The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.1 They Meet
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Justice4JC
A fourteen-year-old girl named Olga was typing on her computer. She loved going to a Christian message board entitled SpeakEasy. Her screen name on the message board was &//towinterwithyou. She currently just finished typing and sending a private message to Chrissy, whos real name was also Chrissy. Her message read as followed:
Can you believe it!? By this time tomorrow, well be surrounded by all other Speakeasy members! Im so hyped! 
Olga was referring to a trip that SpeakEasy members agreed to attend to meet each other. Many of them put their lives and jobs and families on hold, just to meet their friends in which they have never seen. Given, that some of them has shown their pictures, but most of them were still just a name on the screen.
The plan was to leave the following morning and meet at a Five Star Hotel in the United States. Most of the people lived in Canada, sure, but they all decided on a center point. A place where they could all travel about the same amount of hours.
This trip had no determined ending. It would last as long as they wanted it to. The employers of the members who had a job would just have to deal. The mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers of the members would have to get along without them. Their friends would have to find another way to church. And their teachers well, whatever about them.
As Olga finished posting a message, a screen popped up, insisting she check her messenger. Chrissy had replied. Olga clicked the appropriate amount of clicks to get to her new message, and she read it.
I know! I cant believe my parents actually let me do this, but Im glad they did! 
Olga laughed, posted one more message, and then decided to head off to bed.
The next morning, phenomenal AKA Sarah from SpeakEasy yanked the covers off her and began to run around her room, pulling out everything she needed for her early shower.
When her shower was completed, she rushed back into her room, making up her bed. It was obvious that she was excited about meeting some people she had never met in person.
Once she finished making up her bed, she looked over to her dresser. Her eyes practically popped out of her sockets!
WHERES MY TICKET!?!?!?!? She exclaimed, and then she started going through her drawers and closet, throwing clothes out and onto her floor and bed and lamps. It was quite comical for the first five minutes anyway.
WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS IT?! Sarah asked, totally freaked. Then suddenly, something dawned on her as she rolled her eyes and hung down her head. I slept with it. She mumbled. I stinkin slept with it, and I made it up with my bed! She turned around, and now saw piles of clothing sitting atop her bed. Oy, she sighed.
Elizabeth AKA lizzy on the message board was already awake, doing some last-minute packing. Lovely, she said as she held up a piece of clothing. She fit it in one of her suitcases, and picked out another piece of clothing from her closet. Even more lovely, she said, totally calm.
Ah, who am I kidding, acting like Im proper, she asked herself. Im meeting new people!!! YEEEAAAH! She got up on her bed and began to jump up and down. YEAH! YEAH! YEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! She pumped her fist and it hit the ceiling. OUCH! She stopped jumping and her butt hit down on the bed and the bed threw her onto the floor. AH!
Im okay! She stated to no one.
Many hours passed, and Shawn Justice4JC had said goodbye to his family, and was already walking down the corridor to the plane. This was his first time going on a plane, so obviously he was apprehensive.
Okay. Breathe, he told himself. Just breathe.
Shawn began to think of how much fun he was going to have with his SpeakEasy crew. All the things he was going to talk about, and how much time he would get to spend with people who normally logged on and off.
For memories to show to his church youth group, Shawn had brought five disposable cameras with him. One was in his pocket. The other four were with his luggage, beneath him.
Shawn stepped foot on the plane. He looked around.
Wow. He said.
Fire Fan, whose real name was Grace/Gracie, was working her way down an aisle, with her carry-on bag well, bags in Gracies case.
Excuse me, excuse me, she stated, working her way to her seat. Pardon me, excuse me. You could lose a few pounds. You need to shave. And you need to trim that belly of yours.
A little kid in the plane began to laugh once he heard Gracie saying all those things.
Aaawwwwww, she said. You look like my Glazed Donut.
You have a donut? The kid asked.
Oh, yes, and hes the sweetest.
He? Wondered the kid.
Oh, yes, his names Shaun. And hes my Nutter Butter. My Sweet Lime, my Honey Baby, my-
Okay! Icky lady, go away! The boy shooed Gracie away.
Gracie stared, and then went to her seat.
It was close to six oclock at night, and a lonely fourteen-year-old named Hope was standing out in front of the hotel. Her screen name was Hope, but had a couple of asterisks (*) and these (~) things to spice up her name, until it came out looking like this *~Hope~*.
It was raining, but she wasnt getting wet, because she was underneath a small ceiling.
Come on, SpeakEasy, hurry up and come, she mumbled to herself, looking around.
As she looked, she spotted a fifteen-year-old male walking towards her. When he got close enough, he asked: SpeakEasy?
Yeah! Hope stated, excited. I saw your picture on your website, but I cant remember Who are you?
Shaun, AKA Junky AKA JunkyarDog73, AKA Gracies SugarBot.
Hope was a little disgusted. Oh, of course. Im Hope, she said, and they shook hands.
Is anybody else here? Shaun asked.
Nope. Just me.
So, were the first two? Shaun asked.
Hope shrugged. Yeah, I guess so unless othersre inside.
Lets just go with were the first two.
HAHA! Okay! Hope laughed.
Yeah, Shaun smiled.
The two were waiting for a half an hour before the next SpeakEasy member arrived. It was Sarah, and she seemed a little upset.
Heeeey Sarah, Shaun waved.
Do you know that I almost didnt come? She asked.
Huh? How come? Asked Hope.
I almost lost my ticket four times.
Four? Asked Shaun.
What happened? Hope asked.
First, I almost lost my ticket in my bed, because I made it up in there. Then, I almost tossed my ticket in the garbage with my napkin after I finished breakfast. Third time, I almost left my ticket in my book as a bookmark that I was keeping at home. Lastly, I left my ticket in the car seat when I arrived at the airport.
Shaun found it comical. He chuckled. At least youre here.
Yeah, but I tell ya, if I didnt have such a good memory, youd all be typing to me online for the rest of your lives.
Awwwwww. Hope said.
Im here! Im here! Im here! Elizabeth yelled, coming up. She dropped her bags feet away from the three, and ran up to them and hugged them. HAHA! Im here! Im here!
Whore you? Shaun asked.
Im Elizabeth.
I dont know any Elizabeth.
OH! Im sorry! Im Lizzie, from SpeakEasy.
Whats a speakeasy? Asked Sarah.
OH MY GOSH! Elizabeth shouted, totally embarrassed. I thought you were people from online!
You know, you really shouldnt meet people online. They could be psychos. Like Shaun. Sarah pointed.
Dont talk about Justice4JC when he isnt even around to defend himself, Sarah, Shaun said.
Wait. Elizabeth said. Justice4JC is a SpeakEasy member. You guys are so mean! She said, hitting Shaun with her purse.
HAHA! Hi, Elizabeth. Im Hope, Hope stated.
You can call me Lizzie, please.
Oh, okay.
Hellooooooo, Speakeasy! Called a female.
The four looked.
Whore you? Asked Hope.
Stephanie, said Shaun.
Olga rolled her eyes and gave up. So, whos here? She asked.
Shaun, Shaun said.
And me, Sarah; Lizzie; and Hope.
All riiiiight, Olga commented.
The five got to know each other for five more minutes before they spotted a black kid with a girl next to him.
Whos that? Sarah wondered aloud.
Thats Shawn, Hope stated.
Well, I knew him. I can spot him in a barrage of white people. Whos that girl?
I dunno, Shaun admitted.
When the two were within hearing distance, Sarah pointed at the girl and asked, Whos that?
Chrissy, Shawn said.
Whore all of you? Chrissy asked.
Chrissy laughed.
That makes it seven of us, Shaun counted.
Good. You can do math.
Shaun glared at Sarah.
The next thing the seven of them knew, a taxicab was pulling up to the curb. Somebody stepped out of the backseat, and immediately tripped.
Whos that? Lizzie asked.
Gracie, Shaun and Sarah both stated.
Gracie finally confronted Shaun, Shawn, Olga, Hope, Lizzie, Sarah, and Chrissy.
You all know who I am. Yes, yes, I am THE Gracie. Now, why are you all standing out here in the rain?
Were not getting wet, Hope said.
Gracie stared. Oh, theyre so cute when theyre so young.
Hi, Snuggle Bear, Shaun stated.
Peanut Brittle! Gracie exclaimed, hugging him.
Chrissy, Olga, Lizzie, Shawn, and Hope all stared, pondering over Gracies choice of pet name for Shaun. Sarah, however, was unimpressed.
Lets all get inside, Gracie suggested, still holding Shaun.
Everyones not here, Hope said.
You all want to wait here until the other uuuuuuh, Gracie tried to do the math.
Two hundred fifty-four? Shawn offered.
Yeah, two hundred fifty-four! You want to wait out here until the other two hundred fifty-four get here?
Whoa. I guess not, Hope said.
Exactly. Now, lets go.
With that, Gracie, Shawn, Shaun, Sarah, Lizzie, Hope, Chrissy, and Olga entered the hotel, being the first 8 of a supposedly 262 that were to have a great time.
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.2 Two more
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Justice4JC
The eight SpeakEasy members &//towinterwithyou, Chrissy, phenomenal, lizzy, Justice4JC, Fire Fan, *~Hope~*, and JunkyarDog73 walked into the hotel, and saw someone sitting in the lobby, with several amounts of luggage.
Hey, do you think shes one of us? Hope asked.
One of us? What do you mean? Nutty? Asked Gracie.
No. Lifeless, Shawn clarified.
I have a life, Sarah claimed.
Yeah thats why youre here. Gracie shot back.
Lets go over and see if shes a SpeakEasy, Lizzie said, heading over.
Gracie contemplated on Lizzies choice of words. If shes a SpeakEasy okaaay.
HAHA! Chrissy laughed.
Come on, guys, lets go, Olga stated, leading the rest of them over to the lone girl, whom was now introduced to Lizzie.
Guys! Shes from SpeakEasy! Shes Laura! Lizzie called as the other seven accompanied her.
Oh. Soleil. Hiya! Hope waved.
Hi. I was the first one here, Laura stated, smirking.
Did you see me waiting outside?
Why didnt you come out to get me?
It looked like you were enjoying the rain.
Thats true! Hope laughed.
Awesome! That makes it nine of us, Shawn said.
Sarah looked at Shawn. Wow. Youre a genius. Im so jealous. Your intelligence totally exceeds my own.
Shawn gave a hard look at Sarah. Youre making me not like you.
Thats fine. I dont like you anyway.
Ouch! Gracie said.
Sarah! Lizzie exclaimed. Youre sooooo mean.
Ah, Im just joking. Shawn knows that.
Oh, no, no, Hope grumbled, shaking her head.
Aaaaaw, dont be sad, girl, Sarah said, patting Hope on the head.
Youre referring to her like shes a dog, Shaun noted with a laugh.
Looks more like a horse to me, Gracie said in deep thought.
A horse?! Sarah exclaimed. Shes a pig!
Hope appeared to be found out. Have you seen my room? She asked, tensely.
Before any of them could even think of responding, a male with a video camera walked up.
Howdy-doo, SpeakEasy! He exclaimed with a wave, taping the nine of them.
OOH! Camera! Shawn yelled, excited, trying to get this male to keep on him.
He loves the camera, doesnt he? Asked Sarah.
Well, he has to. Its the only thing that would return his feelings, Gracie said.
Other than God. Olga explained.
And his mom, Gracie added.
And God, Sarah concluded.
So, whore you? Laura asked the guy with the camera.
The names Rob Pringle.
Ooh! Rob! Olga said.
Yes, yes, its me.
Do you have any chips? Shaun asked.
Rob put his camera on standby and began to dig through a bag of his. He pulled out the Original Pringles chips.
YEAH! Shaun said with glee.
Here ya go, Rob said, handing them to Shaun.
Can I have some, Sugar Pie? Asked Gracie.
Sure, Sweet Pea, Shaun said, sharing with Gracie.
YIPPIE!!! Gracie exclaimed, digging in.
Um should we get our rooms now? Asked Laura.
I dont see why not, Olga replied.
Okay, lets go. Laura said, leading the way.
How many rooms do we have? Lizzie asked, on their way over to the main desk.
Well, since its only a select amount of us three. Laura replied.
Isnt three people supposed to sleep in a room, though? Chrissy asked.
Well, that leaves someone alone, because therere seven girls.
Hmm. Youre right.
Maybe we girls should split in two, two, and three. Lizzie suggested.
Hmm, thatll work.
So were getting four rooms? Rob asked, with his camera back on and recording the backs of everyone as they approached the desk.
Reservations under SpeakEasy, Olga said.
But only four rooms! Chrissy informed.
Only four? The man asked.
Everybody didnt arrive yet, Laura said.
But they better, Sarah said with a grin.
If they dont, more room service for me, Gracie said with a devious smile.
We get room service? Shaun asked.
I didnt know that, Rob added.
Me neither, stated Shawn.
Sarah stared at the guys and then whispered to Olga, Theyre not very informed, those three.
Theyre guys. What do you expect? Gracie asked.
Except you, Sugar Poo.
Except me what?
Except to what I just said.
You said two things, Gracie. Either except that Im informed or except that Im not a guy.
Oooooooooooh. Well, are you?
Informed or a guy?!
Shouldnt you try to defend both? Hope wondered.
As that discussion continued, Laura was given all the keys to their rooms.
Okay, guys! I have em! Laura said, confronting the others.
Awesome! Gimme mine! Shaun snatched a key from Laura.
Uuuuuh. Youre welcome, she said.
Shaun looked down at the key. Room 204B.
Whos A? Asked Chrissy.
Eeeeeeh! Shawn said, trying his best to imitate a Canadian.
Sarah stared. Please. Dont do that again.
Guys! Lets go! Shaun called, heading away to the room. Shawn and Rob followed.
Olga, Chrissy, Sarah, Lizzie, Hope, Laura, and Gracie stood in a circle.
So. Who rooms with who? Olga asked.
I can room with Hope. Lizzie suggested. If she doesnt mind.
Not at all, Hope said.
Gracie raised a hand. I can room by myself.
Well, Gracie, we wont have that. Laura stated. We dont want anyone alone.
Im never alone. Jesus is always with me. She smiled brightly.
Yeah, and Ill be with you too, Olga stated. Keep you in line.
In line?
I didnt stutter.
Ill room with you guys, Sarah said with a sigh.
You dont have to, Olga said.
Oh, no, no. I want to.
Okay. Lets go.
Here. Laura said, handing Olga a key for a room.
Thanks! Lets go!
The three headed off.
Well, I guess that leaves you and me, Laura, Chrissy said with a smile.
Yeah, Laura stated.
Can we have our key? Hope asked.
Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Sure. Here. Laura handed a key to Hope.
Lets go, Lizzie! Hope said, as the two began to walk as well.
Lastly, Chrissy and Laura walked off, heading to their new room as well. -----------
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.3 Bellboys, fake money, and more
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Fire Fan and Justice4JC
A hotel door opened, revealing Shawn, Shaun, and Rob. They were followed by two bellboys, which were rolling in all their luggage on two different carts.
I wonder how many bellboys the girls had, Rob stated as the bellboys completed rolling in their belongings and began to unload their carts.
Thank you, my good men, Shaun said to them after they finished.
The two bellboys just stood there.
Shaun, Shawn, and Rob stood as well, staring back at the two bellboys.
Whatre they waiting for? Shawn asked.
A hug? Shaun offered.
I dont hug strangers, Rob stated plainly.
Neither do I, Shawn said.
The five continued to stand in an awkward silence. Each of them looked from guy to guy to guy to guy, each of them not knowing what to do next.
Unbeknownst to them all, Shaun was digging in his pockets for something, and then he suddenly threw himself at the two males.
WHOA! They exclaimed.
Shaun wrapped his arms around the both of them.
THANK YOU! He said. THANK YOU so much! He touched their hands, handing them something and then pushed them out of the door, closing it behind them.
Shawn and Rob stared with wide eyes. Rob lowered his camera, shutting it off.
Wow, Shawn said.
I think they were looking for a tip, Rob said.
I gave em tips. Shaun said.
I dont think they refer to hugs as tips Shaun. Shawn stated. They want money.
I gave them money.
You had enough to spare?
No, Shawn. I gave them my fake money.
No need to be sarcastic.
I wasnt. I really gave them fake money.
The next thing either of them knew, the two male bellboys started to bang on the window.
Hey, open up!
AAAH! Shaun and Shawn panicked (Rob turned back on his camera), running around.
Shaun locked the door. Shawn ran to the door and unlocked it, not seeing that Shaun had already locked it. Shaun ran back to the door to lock it.
I just locked it! Shawn called.
No! You unlocked it!
No, I didnt.
Yes, you did. I got to it before you did.
Oh, okay.
The two bellboys continued to bang and scream on the door.
Shaun listened. They should be fired.
Dresser! Shawn proclaimed.
Dress her who?
Put a dresser in front of the door!
OOOH! Good idea!
Shaun and Shawn worked together, easily carrying an empty dresser in front of the door, placing it down with ease.
Rob stopped filming. My familyll love this. He turned to look around the room, and suddenly saw it. A bed.
Robs eyes widened. WHOA! My bed! He screamed and ran, plopping on one of the beds.
Whats wrong with you? Shaun asked, but Shawn caught on immediately, running and flopping on the other bed.
Both Shawn and Rob both back, sighed and thought of all the days events. Suddenly Shaun took a run and a leap for the third bed
Which happened not to be there. Landing quite hard on the rugged floor.
Listening to Shauns groans, Shawn burst out in laughter but quieted down quickly when he realized Rob had out the camera. Yes, Rob had some good black mail on Shaun now.
Did anyone ever tell you to look before you leap?
Shaun rubbed his head as he stood. Yeah, but do you know that if you look first, you might not leap?
I wonder why, Rob said above a whisper.
Shaun was a bit frustrated. Okay, I demand to know where Im going to sleep!
Now at this time all three males began to give each other odd looks. These guys were quite freaked out at the thought of having to share a bed.
In Chrissy and Lauras room, Chrissy was on the phone as Laura was unpacking her suitcases.
Uh-huh uh-huh. Yes, Im having a great time. Its so fun! Even if only ten of us showed up so far Uh-huh. Okay. GREAT! Okay, bye. Chrissy hung up the phone. YIPPIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Laura hesitated in putting away her clothes. Whats up?
That was my mom. Guess what?
Laura tried her hardest to think of something. Mmmmmmmm She bought you a CD you wanted?
Nope! Even better!
Laura was hopeless. MP3?
Nope. Chrissy didnt give Laura another chance to guess. She blurted out with, My sisters going to come to the hotel!
Wow! Great!
Chrissy giggled. Yeah!
I wonder how the guysll like that. Theyll now be even closer to being outnumbered three-to-one by us.
"So...Uh....What do we do?" Rob asked, looking from Shawn to Shaun to Shawn to Shaun...
"Why dont we just deal with this later," Shawn suggested, holding his stomach. "Im hungry."
"Foooood," Shaun chanted like a zombie.
"You act like you like food as much as you like.....Gracie." Stated Rob.
"Gracie? You mean my sweet pea? My sugar coated lima bean? My chocolate covered grape? My-"
"STOOOOOP! All this talking of food isnt helping," Shawn clarified, cutting off Shauns train of thought.
"I wasnt talking about food; I was talking about my snuggle bear."
"Yeah, so weve heard," Shawn stated just above a mumble.
"Come on, guys lets just go get some food." Rob added, seriously implying that they get food.
"Didnt the girls say something about Room Service?" Asked Shaun.
I dont know. I wasnt listening. Shawn admitted.
You are proving their point, Rob stated.
About what?
About us not being informed.
Whend they say that?
Shaun interrupted. Look, what do you guys want to eat? I have some sugar coated lima beans, some chocolate covered grapes-"
Dude, said Shawn. I want food to go down. Not come up.
When are we meeting up with the girls again? Asked Rob.
Did we ever set a time? Shawn wonder.
You think theyll want to eat with us? Asked Shaun.
If theyre done unpacking.
Ah, who cares about unpacking. Lets go check em out.
WAIT! Shawn held Shaun back.
What if those bellboys are still outside?
Huh We can wait here a little bit longer.
Ugh! Rob rolled his eyes.
With Hope and Lizzie, Hope was inspecting the room, looking at everything they were stocked with. Lizzie unpacked, wanting to get the most boring part of the trip over with.
OH MY GOSH! Hope exclaimed.
What? What? What?! Lizzie exclaimed, thinking something was wrong. She hurried towards Hope that was near the bathroom.
We have a laptop!
We do!?
YEAH! With internet access!
Hope ripped off the note that was on the laptop. She read it and then informed Lizzie of what it said.
It says that we get free internet access for however long as we want!
Wow, do the others get it too?
No. They put it in random rooms. For this time, its all ours
Should I log online?
Yes. Go to Speakeasy.
Sure thing, Hope stated, logging on.
HAHAHA! Sarah laughed in victory. I win! I unpacked all of my stuff before both of you. Im the girl.
Second! Olga exclaimed, throwing up her hands after quickly shutting close a drawer. Youre last, Gracie!
Aah, who cares? Gracie shrugged.
Youre taking it mighty well.
Gracie seemed to be preoccupied with something in her still half-full bag.
What are you looking at? Olga demanded, walking up to stare over Gracies shoulders. Olga looked inside Gracies bag, and there sat a framed picture of Shaun.
He sent you a picture of himself?
Who? Sarah pondered.
Shaun sent you pictures, Gracie?
No, I printed them out off the computer and framed it. And now I can look at my fruitcake whenever I please.
Mmmmmm. Fruitcake, Olga said, licking her lips.
Wanna order some food? Sarah asked.
Lets go round up the others first. Maybe we can all eat together.
So, Sarah, Gracie, and Olga left their room to round up the rest of their SpeakEasy crew, not knowing what was going to happen next or who else was going to arrive
------- The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.4 Notified
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by JunkyarDog73 and Justice4JC
Sarah (phenomenal), Gracie (Fire Fan), and Olga (&//towinterwithyou ) successfully rounded up Lizzie (lizzy), Chrissy (Gone Crazy), Laura (Soleil), and Hope (*~Hope~*). It took them a few minutes to convince Shawn (Justice4JC), Shaun (JunkyarDog73), and Rob (RobPringle) that they were who they said they were and werent the bellboys. Even after Gracie called Shaun several of her famous pet names it took them a while to believe
As if the bellboys would know about Gracie and Shaun!
So, the ten decided to go eat some food together. Half of them took the steps while the other half took the elevator. Those who took the elevator hit the ground first.
Hmmm, we beat them down, Sarah observed, being in the lead of her group of five.
Shocked? Gracie asked as she walked up behind Sarah along with Olga, Chrissy, and Laura.
With Shawn in there, I sure am. Im surprised he didnt try to beat us all down here with his competitive spirit, trying to keep his lead in the number of posts.
He hasnt been trying to keep the lead he has been, Olga notified.
Well, he said that he doesnt matter about posts number anymore, Chrissy clarified.
Laura noticed the desk clerk on the other side of the main hall put down the phone and look at them. She gave the guy a fishy look as he began to wave.
Why is that guy waving at us?
Who? Sarah asked.
The desk clerk.
Sarah, Gracie, Olga, and Chrissy looked towards the desk, seeing him wave like a maniac.
Chrissy! He called.
AAAAAH! Chrissy screamed. He knows my name!!! I dont know him!!! She used Olga and Gracie as her cover, bending down behind them. Dont let him see me!
Thats when Shawn, Shaun, Rob, Lizzie, and Hope came out of the door that led to the stairs. They immediately saw Chrissy trying to hide.
Whore you trying to hide from? Shawn asked.
Her secret admirer, Olga answered.
EWEEW! Thats disgusting, Olga! Hes an old man! Chrissy called.
Just because hes bald doesnt mean hes an old man.
Rob was, of course, filming this all. He panned over towards the desk clerk, and the clerk executed the universal sign for telephone.
Guys, Rob said.
What? Laura asked, looking behind her, directly into Robs camera.
The clerk, Rob pointed out.
Shawn, Shaun, Rob, Laura, Lizzie, Hope, Sarah, Gracie, and Olga looked over to the clerk.
OOOOOOH! Lizzie exclaimed, now knowing what the desk clerk wanted.
OOOOOH what? Asked Chrissy, refusing to let Olga and Gracie move from in front of her.
Telephone? Chrissy asked.
Someone must be on the telephone for you, stated Laura.
Or it could be just a trick to lure her over, Shaun stated.
Chrissy! Telephone! The desk clerk yelled, now lifting up the telephone he had once put down. But he had his hand cupped over the lower part of the phone so the person on the other end wouldnt hear him full blast.
or not, Shaun admitted.
Oh, Chrissy said, clearing her throat, stepping out from behind her two SpeakEasy comrades. Silly me. Chrissy began to walk over towards the desk.
"Can I answer it? asked Shaun.
"You can stay here, Honey Bunny. We dont wanna scare the poor person," said Gracie
Chrissy, well be in the diner, all right? Laura asked.
Okay. Chrissy said, now skipping to her destination.
Laura, Gracie, and Sarah led the crew towards the diner, with Rob walking backwards, recording everything that was said.
You guys know that my friend, Alanna, is coming, right? Asked Sarah.
How would we know that? Olga asked.
Yeah, how would we know that? Gracie asked.
Didnt she just say it? Queried Hope, playing along with the question game.
She who?
Sarah? Lizzie asked.
What? Asked Sarah.
Sarah who? Gracie asked.
You dont know Sarah? Shawn asked.
Should I?
Do you know SpeakEasy? Olga asked Gracie.
What or who is SpeakEasy?
Isnt it a message board? Lizzie asked.
"Is it that place where you might meet interesting and odd people? asked Hope
"Wasnt everyone from the message board supposed to meet here? Shawn asked.
Gracie laughed out loud at that. Out of over a hundred people, only ten of us made it here!
Well, the trip isnt over, Olga said, and there was a few seconds of silence.
Hey, guys, dont quiet down. Rob said. Continue to talk.
Okay! Gracie shrieked. Boogidy-oogidy-woogidy! Happy now?
Another conversation aroused, and everybody put in their two cents. Nobody seemed to watch where Rob was walking, only until Hope shrieked:
But it was too late. Rob had bumped into a male, and the two fell backwards. The two males flipped over the males suitcases.
OOOOH! Did ya get that on tape?! Gracie asked.
Sorry, Rob said to the male.
Are you two okay? Asked Olga.
Ill live, said the male.
"Do you need a hug?" Shaun asked, hopefully.
"Youve hugged enough guys today, Shaun," said Shawn.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Asked Gracie.
"Tell you later," Shaun replied with his face very red.
Hows your camera, Rob? Hope wondered.
Once Rob checked over his camera, he said, Fine.
Great! Lizzie exclaimed.
Shawn and Shaun helped up Rob and the other male.
You sure do have a lot of luggage, Shawn noticed.
Yeah, Im looking for any other people that go on this message board. He said. Im beginning to wonder if this was all a joke, and I was the only one to show.
How sad, Gracie said, actually about to let this guy continue to think he was alone.
Gracie! Laura scolded.
Yes, Mommy?
MOMMY! Olga exclaimed, jumping.
Shawn stared at Olga. Someone needs to try decaf.
We are SpeakEasy, Rob enlightened.
OH! Exclaimed the male with a sigh of relief.
Im RobPringle.
phenomenal! Sarah said like she was a supermodel and she didnt need anything else.
Justice4JC, Shawn said with a raise of his hand.
Soleil, stated Laura.
Everybody knows me, said Gracie. Im Miss Gracie.
Sarah jerked her thumb in Gracies direction. Fire Fan, she said.
Im Shaunny from the block! Shaun exclaimed while copying J.Lo's moves from the video.
JunkyarDog73, Shawn told.
And Im Gone Crazy! Chrissy exclaimed, walking up. Whore you?
OOH! Justin! How ya doin?
Chrissy, who was on the phone? Asked Laura.
It was my mom.
What did she want? Shawn asked.
She told me that Jenny was on her way here NOW.
How long until she arrives? Rob asked, still recording.
Shell probably arrive while were sleeping, Chrissy said.
I guess some of us will have to stay up for her, huh? Olga asked.
I can! Shawn raised his hand. I take vitamins!
Everybody looked at Shawn like that was the stupidest thing that he could have possibly stated.
What? Asked Olga.
Thought so.
Are we ready to eat now? Asked Gracie.
Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Sarah growled.
NO! Shaun exclaimed. Because now we have an even bigger problem theres four guys, and we only have a room with two beds.
There was silence for a brief moment.
Why do you only have two beds? Justin asked.
Good question, Shaun said. I think Im going to complain to this hotel. Arent all the rooms supposed to have three beds?
No. Said Sarah.
Nuh-uh, Olga also said.
Marc got two rooms with two beds in them, Laura informed.
Oh Shaun said. Okay.still gonna complain."
Well, how are we going to split up? Shawn asked.
We can deal with that later, Lizzie said, dismissing the topic.
Or at least talk about it while we eat, Hope said.
All right, lets go, Laura said, leading the way towards the diner, with Rob now walking forwards and with his camera on standby.
Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Sarah groaned.
Pizza sounds good, said a girl, suddenly appearing.
The eleven turned their heads to see a fifteen-year-old.
Bev is in the house! Bev exclaimed.
Sarah stared, but the only thing still concerned in her mind was: PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
"Its my gurl!!!!" Laura shrieked with excitement.
"Hey, Bev, how is it goin?" inquired Lizzie.
"Good, I am so glad to meet all of you!" Bev said.
"Nice to meet you, too" said Rob.
"Whose the Matthew Good look-alike, Bev asked.
"Thats Honey Bunny." Gracie. Big surprise there.
"Huh?" Bev was clueless.
"I thought Shaunny was black."
"Noooo, that is Shawnny, not Shaunny."
Awkward silence
"Anyway, why are those two bell-hops looking at him funny?" Asked Bev.
"Huh?" Shaun looks over his shoulder.... "THEYRE AFTER ME!!" He quickly hid behind Gracie. Thats no good.... I know!" Shaun leaped over an unoccupied lobby desk and landed with a large thud.
"Are you all right there, Junky?" Asked Rob while having his camera still going. That was quite a stunt.
"I am cool, but there is a sharp pain in my leg."
"That looks like a pen," Rob said, walking behind the counter.
"Oh, I believe tis, Shaun said, removing the pen from his leg. "That will leave a mark."
"Yeah, a big black one," exclaimed Shawn.
"Where are we going to have pizza?" asked Chrissy.
They dont sell pizza here? Asked Lizzie.
They should, Shawn said.
They dont, Laura confirmed.
"Lets go to Pizza Hut," Olga suggested.
"How do we plan on getting there?" Hope asked.
"We'll borrow a big van that carries twelve people, Olga said, proud of herself.
"I'll drive, I am old enough," said Rob.
"No, I drive, you have a camera, your hands are full," Sarah insisted, finding the perfect excuse.
"Youre too young"
"Fine, lets decide this on rock-paper-scissors."
Rob and Sarah clinched their fists and shook them twice.
"ROCK....PAPER....SCISSORS!!!" Sarah jabbed Rob in the stomach.
AAAHHOOOOW!!! Rob screamed.
"Haha, rock wins! I drive!"
The twelve actually managed to borrow a van from an individual, and they were on the road, driving to Pizza Hut.
"Do you know what youre doing Sarah? asked Shawn, sitting frightfully in the passenger front seat.
"Off course I do," she claimed with a sly grin.
AAH! Shawn shrieked, seeing that evil grin of Sarahs.
In the back of the van, Shaun thinks to himself, I am gonna annoy Gracie.
He decides to sing, "Chill out What you yelling for? Lay Back its all been doin before-"
Gracie flips: "No more Avril!!!
Gracie manages to get Laura, Hope, and Olga to help in the gang beating.
Moments pass, and Chrissy stated, I have the feeling this will be the perfect trip."
What was that? Asked Justin.
Everyone looked outside of the back window.
"Congratulations, Sarah!" Hope stated, "You just ran over a cow!"
Shaun looked behind him again and watched the cow "She aint the only one" Shaun counted the cars hitting the poor cow. "One two three
"Stop," said Gracie.
"Why?" Asked Shaun.
If you love me you will stop.
Shaun was quiet until they arrived at Pizza Hut in where many conversations arose.
------- The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.5 The Search
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Fire Fan and Justice4JC
After the twelve SpeakEasy members Laura, Justin, Rob, Shaun, Shawn, Chrissy, Lizzie, Hope, Bev, Sarah, Gracie, and Olga ate all they wanted at Pizza Hut, they paid, embarked inside the van, drove back to the hotel, and returned the keys to the person they borrowed it from.
They settled on a rooming arrangement as they ate. Shawn and Rob were in one of the two-bed rooms as Shaun and Justin resided in the other.
As for the girls, Bev joined Lizzie and Hopes room since Jenny (Jenny), Chrissys (Gone Crazys) younger sister, was coming, and so the two sisters could share a room.
It was one oclock in the morning, and Hope was typing away on the laptop Lizzie, Bev, and herself was fortunate in getting. She was on SpeakEasy, typing a welcome message to some newcomers. She submitted the post as a new page started to load.
Suddenly, there was a soft knock at the door. She looked around the corner to watch the door. It knocked again. She got up from her seat and silently tiptoed towards the door. She didnt want to wake up her roommates, Lizzie and Bev.
Hope opened the door, and saw Shawn standing there in his normal bedtime clothes dark gray sweatshorts and a no-sleeve T-shirt.
Are we ready? She asked.
Yeah. The others are down in the lobby, Shawn replied.
Hope smiled. Great! Ill go log-off!
Log-off? Log-off of what?
Hope stopped in her speech. She didnt tell anyone else that she had gotten a laptop.
Uuuuh. SpeakEasy, Hope said.
You have a computer? Shawn couldnt believe it.
Uh-huh. A laptop.
Why didnt you tell us you brought one?!
I didnt. Its the hotels. They randomly place it in different rooms.
Youre so fortunate.
Yes, I am. Now, let me go.
Bev and Lizzie didnt want to be up, did they?
Hope shrugged. I dont think so.
Hope walked back into her room.
Down in the lobby, everybody was in their bedclothes. Not everybody was downstairs in the lobby, however. Sarah was there, along with Gracie and Olga. Also in the lobby, sitting on a comfy couch, sipping some hot chocolate, reading a book, was Chrissy. Lastly, Shaun blessed them with his presence.
Rob, Laura, and Justin stayed in their rooms.
So, what time is she supposedly supposed to be here? Olga asked.
Soon, Chrissy replied.
You know, you all dont have to be up waiting for her, Chrissy informed.
Yeah, but this is fun. Sarah said. Sitting here sipping tea. Talking to you all.
Tea YUCK! Shawn said, walking up with Hope by his side.
You dont like tea?!
No. Dont care for it.
A short silence
Sorry! Im sleepy, Sarah said.
But, no, Id rather have hot chocolate, Shawn said.
Chocolate Chrissy said, dreamily.
Hey, did you guys know that Hope, Lizzie, and Bev has a laptop in their room?
A laptop? Olga asked. Who brought a laptop?
We didnt bring one, Hope informed. The hotel gave us one.
To keep?! Shaun shouted. Wheres mine?!
Calm down, Sugar Daddy. Gracie said.
Sugar Daddy? Hope asked, a bit disgusted.
Big Daddy? Gracie offered.
No Daddy.
How bout a mommy? Olga asked.
What is it with you and mommies? Shaun asked.
Dont try to change the subject! Shawn exclaimed with a raised pointer finger. They didnt share with us that vital information!!!
They should be punished.
What would you punish them with, Shaun? Gracie asked.
Being dunked into a pool-full of chocolate? Offered Olga.
Thats not a punishment. Thats a dream.
Ditto, agreed Shaun.
Chocolate Chrissy moaned.
Shaun looked at Chrissy. Sleepy?
Much, she replied.
Why did the hotel give you a laptop? Olga wondered.
Hope sighed because she had to tell this information again. They randomly place the laptop in different rooms. The laptop is ours until the end of our trip.
Laura was in her and Chrissys room, sleeping like a baby. Suddenly
The telephone rung. Lauras eyes opened.
Laura looked at the phone as it rung again.
Laura scurried out of the bed before the telephone could ring again. She answered it.
Hello? She asked in a sleepy tone.
Hi is Chrissy there?
No. Who is this?
Its Jenny.
Her sister? Laura asked, not one hundred percent sure.
Well, shes down in the lobby, waiting for Wait a second. Arent you supposed to be here? Is your flight late?
Um no. Its just that, Im at the hotel, I went to the main desk, asked for SpeakEasy, and there was no reservations under SpeakEasy.
Thats what I said, Jenny stated.
That cant be right, because were all here.
It dawned on Laura as she said, Uh-oh.
What? What?! Jenny demanded.
You may have gone to the wrong hotel.
Sarah, Shawn, Shaun, Chrissy, Hope, Olga, and Gracie were still in the lobby. Olga looked over her shoulder because she heard the door to the hotel open. She saw a teenage girl with a bag.
Is that her? Olga asked.
No, thats not her, Chrissy assured.
Shes only carrying one bag, Shawn stated. How can that possibly be her?
All of the females in the room turned to Shawn.
What is that supposed to mean? Asked Olga.
Before Shawn could reply, Laura appeared out of the door to the stairwell.
Laura, whats wrong? Sarah asked.
We have a bit of a problem.
Laura informed the seven on Jenny accidentally being driven to the wrong hotel.
Cab drivers, Shaun said. They only do whats convenient for them.
Maybe that hotel was further away from the airport, so he or she drove her there to get more moola, Hope said.
See? Its a sad world were living in.
Or maybe it was a mistake, Chrissy said.
What idiot accidentally drives someone to a hotel that they dont want to go? I mean, your sister said the name of the hotel, right? Asked Sarah.
Im sure.
Okay then. The driver was a jerk.
Actually, he might still be one, Olga added.
Laura said, Guys, the hotel Jenny was dropped off at was the same hotel as this one.
Im confused, Shaun said.
Im confuzzled, said Sarah.
Im confusticated, Shawn stated.
Same company, therefore same hotel. Different areas.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh, Shaun and Shawn said together.
Sarah looked over to Gracie. Its like they share a brain.
Or part of one anyway, Olga mumbled.
Heeeeeeeeeey! Gracie said. Dont diss my Sugar Baby.
Laura, was the hotel she was dropped off at further or closer?
Actually, it was closer to the airport.
There goes my theory, Hope chuckled.
Laura continued, Jenny said that she has no more money to spare to get here.
So what does that mean? Shawn asked.
Sarah knew what it meant immediately. ROAD TRIP!!!!! She yelled. ILL DRIVE!
And run over another cow?!
That cow had it in for it.
I think it was the other way around, Hope said.
I had it in for it? Sarah asked, confused.
You had it in for the cow.
Silence of confusion
So how do we get to the other hotel? Chrissy asked.
I can download directions off the Internet! Hope said with glee.
Internet? Laura asked.
Yeah, the World Wide Web, Laura. Shawn informed.
How will we get there? Asked Shaun.
By vehicle, Honey Bunny.
Oh, okay, Teddy Bear.
Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuubeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, Sarah said.
TWO-OH-FIVE! Shawn stated.
Yeah! Hope exclaimed.
We are wasting valuable time, Laura said.
Right. Sarah said, taking charge. Hope, download those directions!
Yes, Maam. Hope quickly ran off.
The rest of you split up to find that guy we borrowed the van from.
I have to go put on a shirt, Shawn said. The rest of you find him.
I, uh, have to go do something too, Shaun said, running off in addition to Shawn.
That left Chrissy, Laura, Sarah, Gracie, and Olga.
How rude, Olga stated.
Hope was quickly in her room, and she began to type loudly. So loud, she woke up Bev and Lizzie. They both walked up behind Hope.
Whatre you doing? Bev asked, rubbing her eyes.
Finding the directions to where Jenny is. She was dropped off at the wrong hotel.
Wow. Thats sad, Lizzie said. Ill go back to sleep now.
Yeah, Bev agreed, turning around to head back under her covers.
Shaun was quickly running down his hall. He saw Justin walking tiredly down the hall. Shaun stopped.
Hey, Justin, whatre you doing?
Trouble sleeping, Justin replied. Just on a midnight stroll.
Past midnight, Shaun said. Well, since youre up, do you wanna come with us to pick up Jenny?
Wasnt she supposed to be dropped off here?
Long story, Shaun said and placed his arm around Justins shoulder. Not really, but Ill make it long.
Shawn was back in his room. He left off the light, not wanting to wake up Rob. However, little did Shawn know as he quickly retrieved a shirt to pull over his head Rob was already up.
Whatre you doing?
Whoa!!!! Shawn screamed, jumpy. ROB!?
Yeah Rob said, sitting in the dark.
What are you doing?
Rob, his eyes completely adjusted to the darkness, walked over to the wall, flipping a switch. The light turned on and Shawn could see Rob had painted a beautiful orange on a painting stand thing.
Like it?
Shawn was confused. Uh yeah, but Where did you get that from?
I painted it!
So, anyway, what are you doing?
Getting a shirt.
What for?
To wear.
So I wont have to leave the hotel in my tee.
Whyre you leaving the hotel?
To pick up Jenny who was accidentally driven to the wrong hotel.
Whoa. Rob said, Thats heavy.
You wanna come?
Rob shrugged. Why not.
Shawn headed out the door, with Rob following.
Shawn stalled. Are you going to get your camera?
Rob and Shawn both turned towards the camera that was set so closely to Robs bed.
Its calling you, Shawn urged, fighting hard to keep a straight face.
Naaaaaah, Rob said, and the two set out to meet with the others.
Rob, Shawn, Shaun, Justin, and Hope soon gathered back in the main lobby. Only seconds of waiting occurred before Chrissy, Laura, Sarah, Gracie, and Olga appeared as well.
Theyre coming too? Laura asked, referring to Rob and Justin.
Yeah, Shawn replied.
Thats when a female with luggage walked drearily into the hotel. The ten looked, and Sarah immediately recognized the female.
Alanna! She waved.
Alanna (Alanna) turned towards the ten.
Sarah! Alanna said, waving.
Come! We must go! Sarah said, beginning to push her out of the hotel.
What about my luggage?
Bring it!
Wherere we going? Asked Alanna.
Youll see.
So, Sarah and Alanna got a head start of the other nine with Alanna asking, Youre not driving, are you?
I have a question, Shawn said.
What? Asked Laura.
Who has the keys?
After Sarah driving wildly to the other hotel ending several unfortunate little mammals lives the van pulled up to the hotel. It was raining cats and dogs now.
Were in the back. Whyd you pull into the back? Alanna asked Sarah.
More than likely Jennyll be in the front, Sarah, Laura noted.
Shawn looked at the width of the hotel. Large place.
Same size as the other one. Sarah claimed and answered, And I pulled into the back of the hotel because I wanted to. Now, are we here to find Chrissys little sis or complain about my driving?
Complain about your driving? Alanna asked, sarcastically. Who would do that?
A young teenage girl was standing in the front of the hotel with her umbrella. Is this a prank? Will the others come and get me? Am I really at the right hotel and Chrissy just wants to pull something mean on me?
In response to her thoughts, Jenny started to look hard at the surroundings around her. She was looking for any hidden camera that would reassure her thoughts. She didnt find any, though. So many questions ran through her head.
Several more minutes passed before she looked up to fix her runny mascara. As she fixed up herself, she saw a boy that reminded her of Shaun.
He looks familiar, Jenny thought.
Jenny looked closer before she realized that she knew that person! It was Shaun, who she knew much better as JunkyarDog73.
Shaun? She asked, just loud enough for him to hear her.
As each of them got closer to the other, she noticed he had a gigantic smile on his face, as if he had just seen the love of his life!
Approaching him she asked, Why the smile?
Shaun turned his head to stare into her eyes. He had a confused look on his face. Then he started to smile again and asked, Jenny?
Yeah, Jenny replied with a huge smile.
Shaun looked down at her luggage. Gosh, Shaun said. Girls....Youd think you were all moving in!
Well like my mom always says, Always be prepared for the worst! And if those girls are as strange in real life as they are on the net then it just might be the worst!
Suddenly Olga came out of the front hotel door with Hope and Shawn at her side. Did someone say mom? She asked. I like moms. Did you bring yours? Can she stay with me? Pleaseeeee?
And who is that? Jenny asked Shaun, but not to sure she wanted the answer.
Shaun, not really sure what to call Olga began to say, This is
Olga cut him off by saying, I am the moon and the sun, the stars and the rain; I am whatever makes your mom happy.
Righhht. Hope complemented.
Come on. Shawn said. Lets go round up the others and tell them weve found you.
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.6 "This revolves around Pizza Hut..."
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Fire Fan, JunkyarDog73, and Justice4JC
Everyone was happy to have Jenny with them. Especially Chrissy. It took some time for Hope (*~Hope~*), Shawn (Justice4JC), Olga (&//towinterwithyou), Shaun (JunkyarDog73), and Jenny (Jenny) to gather up with everybody. They first found Rob (RobPringle) and Laura. After that was Justin (Justin) and Chrissy (Gone Crazy). Sarah (phenomenal), Alanna, and Gracie (Fire Fan) were last.
The twelve decided to stall no longer to head back to their hotel. They were all walking down the sidewalk, most of them trying desperately to get underneath the only umbrella they had.
Shawn was one of those who didn't care if he got wet. In fact, he was walking slowly and gracefully. The others reached the huge van before he did. He watched as Sarah went for the driver's side door.
"You're not driving again...?" Said Justin.
Sarah turned towards Justin. "What's wrong with my driving? A lot of people kill animals when they're driving."
"Yeah, but most of the time they don't aim for the animals," Rob explained.
"And what makes you think I do?"
"Sarah, when you were driving, you veered over, across the highway divider, and hit a skunk!"
"Where's proof, Pringle? You didn't have your video camera."
Rob rolled his eyes.
"Sarah, just give up the keys," Alanna said.
"No, I want to drive. I will drive."
"And I want to live," Alanna said and grabbed the keys from Sarah. She handed them to Rob. "Here ya go."
"Finally," Rob said, getting into the driver's seat.
"Then it's only fair that I sit in the passenger seat!" Sarah said, quickly rushing around the vehicle to reserve her seat which previously belonged to Shawn.
"Heeeeey!" Shawn called.
"Sorry, Shawn," Sarah said, but still sat in the seat and closed the door. "Let's go!"
"I pick radio station!!!" Exclaimed Shaun.
"Noooo...I have passenger seat, so I pick the station," said Sarah
"Fine...I'll just sing... This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on, my friends!"
Gracie huddled up with Jenny, Hope, and Olga, and formed a plan to shut-up Shaun.
"GANG BEATING!!!" They shouted.
Eventually Shaun shut up and was now officially afraid of singing and gang-beatings.
Rob was driving smoothly through the highway.
"Wow. This is pleasant," Olga commented.
"And I always thought it was the vehicle," Shawn muttered.
"Ooooooh, shut up." Sarah said.
Everyone in the back burst into laughter.
Sarah reached for the radio knob. "Let's listen to some rock." She turned on the radio, and heard polka. "EEEWWW!"
"UGH!" Disgust filled the back.
"Turn it!" Chrissy screamed.
Sarah quickly turned the channel, landing on a station that started out with, "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. Today we have a guest with us. Steve all the way from Oshawa. Now tell us Steve: Why down here in the states? Visiting friends, or family perhaps?"
"What the heck?" Shawn demanded.
"Isn't Steve AKA Orange_Vinyl from Oshawa?" Wondered Olga.
"Yeah," Gracie confirmed.
"SHHH," Sarah silenced.
"Well actually I'm here to meet up with some...friends," Steve said quietly.
"There seemed to be some hesitation there, why is that, eh?" Blurted the reporter.
" is because I don't really know them. Yet."
"Oh?" questions the reporter trying to dig up a story.
"Yeah, I, uuuuh, met them on the internet." Steve replied, still unsure what he was getting himself in to.
"Oh, so you are part of one of those On-Line Dating Services?"
"Ha, actually, no. It is just some girls and boys from a chat community." Steve assured the man.
"Would you like to share this site with all our listeners so they can find out more information?"
" its one of those 'bad' chatting sites?"
"Yeah...that's exactly what it is....a bad chatting site," Steve remarked.
"That's our boooooooy," Olga said with a grin.
"Well then...Tell us some of your Canadian hobbies. Do you have a dog sled team? What are your malls all like up there? What kinda shops do you have? How's your pet beaver?"
"Well us Canadians like to go ice fishing. And well, I like to write songs and poetry."
"Well, how about you share some Canadian poems with us?"
"Ah, lets see..."
"He's actually going to do it?" Shawn demanded.
"I sure wouldn't," Hope said.
"Guys, hush, I want to hear his poem," Jenny said.
"You're so amazing you make me sick, So astonishing you make me go crazy, I try to talk when I am around you, But only non understandable words I can find, For you my love, Even though you don't acknowledge my presence, I can hardly take my eyes off yours."
"That was nice," Jenny said with a smile.
"Beautiful," Gracie said, wiping away a tear.
"Need a shoulder to cry on Gracie?" asked Shaun.
"Would you two stop hitting on each other?" asked Rob.
"But why?"
"Well thank you, Steve. That was interesting."
"Oh, no problem. I have many more. In fact I have one I'd like to share. My friend Olga wrote it."
"HUH!?!?" Olga said.
"You can't share that I am afraid."
"Why not?"
"She could sue you."
"She likes me too much to sue me."
The man changed the subject. "One thing I have discovered is that our American youth are pretty strange. I was wondering if it is the same with the Canadian youth. Tell me, are you one of the insane youth of this generation, or one of the geeky computer type?"
"I'd say I am more on the adventurous side. In fact I'd say crazier than Gracie."
"Not crazier than me," Hope noted with a sleek grin.
"You're not crazy," Jenny said.
Hope grinned bigger. "You haven't lived with me."
Shaun winked at Shawn.
"Wow." Said the radio guy. "Has Gracie done some crazy things in her day?"
"Yes, but she never jumped off her roof and broke two arms, two legs, her neck and a finger."
Shawn laughed. "A finger."
"And I suppose you have?"
"No, but that's not the point," Steve stated.
Chuckling, the reporter asked, "What else have you done?"
"On my way down here I stopped at a diner to go to the washroom and I accidentally went into the kitchen and caught the cook's apron on fire. Then I decided to put it out so I threw a pail of water on it. But it ended up that there were dishes in the pail."
"So what did you do?" The reporter asked in awe.
"I ran."
"Didn't they stop you and make you clean it up?"
"No, they all began to chant 'Get out of here before he gets the dogs after you' behind me."
"Why don't you make a poem out of that?"
"Um... yeah. It could be called 'The boy who had to pee but ended up writing this.'"
"Speaking of having to pee..." Shawn let it hang.
"I guess that would work...Well it's time we be going now. Folks that was a live interview from Pizza Hut with our Canadian friend Steve. He says a special hello to his friends from SpeakEasy and to all your mothers," the announcer closed.
"Let's go to Pizza Hut and pick him up," Laura suggested.
"Do you think he's at the same Pizza Hut we went to?" Rob asked.
"He might be."
"But why wouldn't he had just gone to the hotel?" Shawn asked.
"Maybe he was hungry," Justin said.
"Oh, yeah, midnight snack. Sounds good," Shaun stated.
"Okay, Rob. Head to Pizza Hut," Laura instructed.
They all arrived at Pizza Hut not too long later.
"I wonder where Steve is," pondered Chrisssy.
"I want the bench!" Sarah exclaimed.
"Me too!" said Alanna.
"I wanna sit by my sis," Jenny informed.
They start to argue about where they were to sit.
"I really don't care where I sit, so I am gonna go order," said Shaun but no one heard him. "Hey guys....GUYS!!!!!"
Still no one really paid much attention to him.
"Forget it," he said and got in line to order.
"Can I take your order," the lady-cashier asked.
"Yeah, I am ordering for twelve, so I guess I should get...."
"Yeah, we should get maybe 4 pizzas?"
"What kind?"
"Surprise me."
"OH!!! OH!!!! I want to get a happy meal!"
"We don't have any."
"You sold out?"
"-ran out of toys for the happy meal?" Shaun suggested.
"No sir....we don't have any."
"So they are sold out?"
"I want to sit by Gracie," said Olga
"Well, I wanna sit by Olga," said Chrissy.
"Hey, I want to sit by Olga too," Hope stated.
"Would you stop arguing where you wanna sit and just sit?" Asked Shawn.
"No, don't makes great TV," stated Steve, walking up behind him with a camera.
"Hey, Steve."
No one else noticed Steve. Or at least they didn't say anything to him. They continued to argue.
"I am going to sit by Honey Bunny, and he is going to be sitting by me," said Gracie.
"Where is your Honey Bunny, Gracie," Laura asked.
"He was here a moment ago."
They started to get concerned, and started looking around.
"I found him!!!" Jenny exclaimed, "He is ordering...and the poor cashier looks a little upset."
"So where is the nearest Pizza Hut with Happy Meals?"
The cashier gave Shaun a very dirty look. "Do you want anything to drink?"
"Well, I don't know what they want, but I'll have a McFlury."
"We don't have those."
"You sold out?"
Another evil look was sent Shaun's way.
"How do you plan on paying for all this?" The cashier asked.
Shaun easily pulled money from his pocket, "Here we go, four ten dollar bills."
"Ummmmm....I don't think ten dollar bills are supposed to be pink and have some guy named...MacDonald on it."
"That's the money I use."
"Let me get this want four pizzas but you don't know what kind, YOU want a happy meal, even though no Pizza Hut on earth sells them. You also want eleven drinks and a McFlurry, and you plan on paying with all this with play money...."
"That's Canadian money."
"Whatever, and you plan on giving all this food to your eleven friends?"
"Yup that sums it up quite well," Shaun answered with a smile.
"Where is the camera...this has to be a joke."
"There ain't no camera."
The cashier looked around and spotted Steve.
"O My GOSH, I AM ON TV!!!" She cashier turned red and ran up to Steve.
"O my gosh, O my gosh, O my gosh, O my gosh, I am on TV, what is this for?"
"Um... SpeakEasy," answered Steve.
"I cant wait to see it! You know what? MEALS on the house!! Now what do you guys want?"
"HAPPY MEAL!!!!" Yelled Shaun.
------- The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.7 "Shopping..."
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Fire Fan, JunkyarDog73, and Justice4JC
Standing outside of the hotel, Olga triumphantly stretched her arms above her head and sighed. She breathed in the fresh crisp morning air.
What a night we had last night! She exclaimed.
Getting in so late the night before, Olga was only able to catch a few hours of sleep before waking up to Gracie who was hitting Sarah over the head, trying to get her to stop snoring.
Olga looked at the morning sky, and then through the hotel doors walked out Steve. He grabbed Olga around the waist swinging her around and around and around and around until Olga screeched at the top of her lungs, "Help! Hes got me!"
An elderly couple walked by with their canes raised.
Letting her down Steve asked, "What is on our agenda for the day?"
"Well, I plan on going for a walk and perhaps making the population of girlie girls go down a few," answered Olga. "Care to join me?"
"Sure. Actually I think we should capture someone from here." Replied Steve in an excited tone.
"You want to kill a SpeakEasy member!?!" Asked Olga with almost the same amount of excitement.
"I was thinking more along the lines of......make-over."
"Make-over? You mean like make-up, hair and clothes and junk?"
"Well, I was thinking I could do the make-up since I am the pro and all," Steve replied sounding quite full of himself.
Olga gave him a questioning look.
"Actually I was thinking we could kick all the girliness out of one of these little punks." Steve corrected himself.
"Now that sounds fun!" Replied Olga, "But who will our victim be?"
If Lizzie had known the choice of topic for these two Chuck-wearers conversation she wouldnt have chosen that moment to walk out the hotel door.
As soon as Lizzie came outside she opened her mouth to say something but closed it after seeing the smug smiles on Olga and Steves face.
"Whats goin on?" She asked with a questioning tone.
"Oh not much, we were just wondering if you want to hang out with us today." Steve replied.
"Hang out with you two?" Lizzie asked considering her options which appeared slim, "I guess...Since I dont have any other offers and we do have some free time till we gotta catch up with the others."
"All right lets go tell our roomies where were going and meet back here in five," Olga said.
Running upstairs, a healthy alternative to taking the elevator, Olga slammed open the door only to hit Sarahs bed (which Gracie had moved away from her own bed). The door knocked off the large pile of pillows that Gracie had just finished building to quiet Sarahs snoring.
Scowling at her, Gracie asked, "Where you off to, Missy?"
"Im going on to the town with Steve and Lizzie."
"Oh? And what did you do to get invited on this special occasion?"
"Nothing. I planned it." Said Olga proudly.
"That explains it." Gracie replied sleepily, bursting Olgas bubble.
"Have fun sleeping! Ill see you later," Olga yelled as she ran out of the door.
Taking the elevator upstairs, Lizzie unlocked her room to find Hope and Bev on the computer.
"Whatre you doing?" Lizzie asked, curiously.
"Were just seeing how SpeakEasy is." Replied Bev.
"Yeah? How is it?" Lizzie asked.
"Pretty much dead." Hope answered.
"I can see that. Most of the regulars are here. So what do you two plan on doing today?"
"We arent sure yet. Maybe swim in the pool. Just chill till we meet up with the rest." Bev replied. "What about you?"
"Im going for a walk with Steve and Olga."
"Well, that will be interesting! Have fun," Hope said turning back to the laptop.
"Yup. See you later." Lizzie said as she closed the door with a thud.
Im going to be late, Lizzie thought to herself, running as fast as she could down the hallway.
"Sorry about that...let me help you up." Lizzie offered her assistance.
"I am all right," said the Bell-Hop. "Do I know you?" He asked.
"I dont think so," answered Lizzie who was a little shaken up.
"I think I have seen you around that guy.......the one with the glasses. He is in a lot of big trouble."
"What did he do?" Olga asked curiously, walking up behind Lizzie.
"First he jumped two bellboys and wouldn't let go of them, and then he handed them some fake money."
"Ohhh.....ummm.....yeah, we dont really hang around him.....but if I see him, Ill tell him." Olga assured.
"He could get himself kicked out of here, or even worse."
Lizzie became very freaked out and just said, "Bye," and made another run for it, taking Olga with her.
Waiting outside, Steve paced back and forth trying to think of ways they could change Lizzie. Interrupting his thoughts, Lizzie and Olga burst through the door claiming they were ready to go.
The three started to walk down the street when Lizzie asked where exactly they were going.
"Shopping," replied Olga in a content tone.
"Shopping? But I thought you hated shopping. And Steve, why are you coming shopping with us?" Lizzie asked. "And what exactly is it we are shopping for?"
"We," said Steve, stepping in, "are going to give you a make-over."
"Whoa, a make-over?"
"That is what he just said," added Olga.
"What exactly are you going to do to me?" Lizzie asked sounding worried.
"We are going to make you one of us." Said Steve.
"Well...Okay," Said Lizzie, "What have I got to lose?"
"Lets go in there," enunciated Olga, pointing to a Thrift Store.
"Sounds good," Steve replied.
"I dont really have a choice do I?" Asked Lizzie.
Ignoring her last comment they entered the store. Quickly walking over to the $2.75 T-shirts, Olga picked one up that had a nice big Batman logo on it.
"Now if this isnt the nicest thing Ive seen in a long time!" She exclaimed.
"I like this one," said Lizzie as she help up an orange T-shirt that read Jerks need lovin' too!
"That works," said Olga. "Let us go find Steve."
Hes over there. Lizzie pointed.
On their way over they found some nice belts which made Olga so happy she did a cart-wheel and accidentally landed in a shopping cart belonging to a not-too-happy man.
"Sorry," Olga said as she hopped out.
"Ah! Lets go!" Said Lizzie, grabbing her arm, scurrying away.
When they approached Steve, Lizzie stopped and asked what it was he was holding.
"Oh, these? He asked, looking at them. These are your new pants."
"Pants? It looks like a big ball of tape."
Shaking out the thing in his hands it unfolded into a duct tape pair of pants.
"Thats creepy, but...whatever you say," Lizzie replied as she grabbed them. "Do I have to pay for these?"
"Its on me," said Olga as she pulled out a tooney from her pocket and headed to the cashier.
"What is this thing?'" Questioned the cashier.
"Its a tooney," explained Olga. "You can purchase items that are $2 or less."
"Whats with the penny in the middle?"
"Decoration?" Olga offered with a shrug.
"What do you plan on buying with this?" The cashier asked, quizzically.
"I cant accept this, its not American looks more like play money...."
"Its Canadian."
"Same thing.....tell you what kid, if you give me your necklaces, beads, and that left shoe of yours then we have a deal!"
Olga thought really really hard about this.... Sacrifice my beads and my left shoe.....for my new friend Lizzie. Maybe I could trade this cashier something else Gracie doesnt do much, maybe I could go get her and trade her off...naw, what I am talking about? Gracie aint worth that much.
"Ahhh....what the heck, here you go, Olga gave in, handing her belongings to the female cashier.
"Thank you, have a nice day."
After paying for the clothes Lizzie went and put them on in the changing room. Helping her out the door Steve, Olga and Lizzie started back down the street.
"OWW!!! Stupid rock!!!!" Screamed Olga suddenly.
"Here, I'll give you a lift," Steve said, prompting Olga on his back.
"We have to go in there!" Said Olga pointing to a bank across the road.
"Why?" Asked Lizzie.
"These Americans dont like our money so we have to exchange it."
"That doesnt make sense. Lizzie said as the three stepped out the bank. $101.25 in Canadian money is only $67.89 in American dollars."
Olgas eyes were glued to the window at a shop down the street.
"We have to go in there!" Said Olga, pointing to the shop across the road.
As soon as they crossed the road looking both ways of course Steve ran up to the window and wiped some of the drool off of Olga's mouth.
"That is disgusting!" Lizzie exclaimed.
"Yeah, it kinda is, Olga. Its going down my back...I think she needs help." Said Steve as he waved his hand to get her attention. Not having success he suggested that they just go inside and leave her. As soon as Olga heard "leave her" she jerked her head up and followed them inside.
As soon as they were in the door she ran right over to the shoes.
Chucks! Chucks! She exclaimed, running her hand over each pair slowly, knocking a girl over on her way. As Steve walked over to help the girl up he apologized for Olgas behavior.
"Its okay. I understand how some people can get like that around these lovely shoes, said the girl. "Im Chelsea, whats your name?" Asked Chelsea eyeing Steves hair.
"Im Lizzie," said Lizzie butting into their conversation.
"And Im Steve," said Steve. "Where are you from?"
"Oshawa, it is in Ontario, you know up in Canada where the polar bears roam." Replied Chelsea.
"Really? Im from Oshawa too...Im here meeting up with some friends from the internet. That is how I know Lizzie here and Olga over there," Steve said pointing to the girl that had knocked Chelsea down before.
Turning around at hearing her name Olga walked over and asked, "Chelsea?!" She gripped the girl tightly in her arms.
"No," Replied the girl.
"Wha...?" Olga gasped unembracing the girl.
"This is a conspiracy!" Claimed Chelsea.
"Oh, it is you!" Chimed Olga.
"Hold it." Lizzie screeched, "Who is this? And how do you guys know each other?"
"This is my friend Chelsea, known as xzZChellyZzx on SpeakEasy." Said Olga calmly.
"Ooooh, I get it now!" Claimed Lizzie.
Were you going to buy a pair of chucks? Chelsea asked Olga.
I might, she said, but then looked down at her own feet. Or a pair and a half. She turned to Lizzie. Or maybe two and a half. Lizzie needs some.
I do? Lizzie asked questioningly.
Yes. We are not done giving you a make-over. Olga turned her attention back to Chelsea. Are you getting a pair?
I already bought a pair, Chelsea said, grinning.
Olga looked down at Chelseas hands. Oh. I didnt notice the bagand suitcases.
Uh-oh, Steve said, looking on a far wall.
What? Olga asked.
The time. Steve nodded at the store clock. Its almost time to meet up with the others for breakfast.
Already!? Olga exclaimed.
Time flies too fast. Olga turned towards the clock and rolled her eyes. Steve, we still have like forty-five minutes!
"We should probably head back to the hotel now, stated Lizzie. It will take me like half hour to walk back in these pants."
"Yeah I noticed those pants. They are really nice, Chelsea commented.
"Ah, thank you," said Lizzie as she started to walk to the door with her legs straight since it took an incredible amount of work to bend her knees.
Lemme get my shoe first, Olga said. .....Lets see...what is the cheapest shoe they got here......Oh! Here we go, some Reddoks, they are only $10.95 and if I split that in half.....that would be.......cheaper!" Olga smiled as she walked toward the cashier counter.
"I would like to buy this shoe please," Olga said to the man.
"You have to pay for both of them, or no sale," the male claimed.
Everyone in the store looked.
"Ummm.......Miss, could we keep our voices down a little, please?" Reasoned the cashier, trying to make the scene a little smaller. "Now think about it, do you think it would look weird going out in two different kinds of shoes, how about that?"
"OK, fine," Olga said as she came back down to earth and paid for both the shoes and left while still grumbling.
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.8 "O Sleeping Bag, where art thou..."
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by JunkyarDog73 and Justice4JC
We return to the hotel. Chelsea, Olga, Lizzie, and Steve are still out. The time is an even thirty-five minutes before the four has to meet with the other twelve. They are on their way back to the hotel, of course, but Lizzie was right. It would take her at least a half hour to return to the hotel.
Sarah was now up and about. She moved her bed back in its normal position and threw the pillows at Gracie. Gracie threw them back.
"Hey!" Sarah exclaimed, pointing.
Gracie acted innocently as she lifted her hands.
Sarah continued to stuff her clothes in her suitcase, even though she unpacked them all just the night before. There was a knock at the door and before Sarah or Gracie could say anything, the door opened. It showed a Rob that seemed to looking for something. It was like he was a bloodhound. He noticed Sarah's suitcases.
"Where are you going?" Rob asked.
"In another room."
"I'm too nutty for her," Gracie said.
"No, I'm much more nuttier than you," Sarah challenged.
"Thats not what Sugar Pine says"
"I'm nuttier than the both of you!" Hope called as she walked pass the door.
Rob looked out of the door, and then looked back in at Gracie and Sarah. "Strange." He asked Sarah again, "Why are you going into another room?"
"I'm moving in with Alanna. She's lonely. She needs me."
Alanna appeared at the door. How she didn't respond to Sarah's remark proved she didn't hear it.
"Are you almost ready, Sarah?" She asked.
"Not almost - am." Sarah stated.
Alanna walked in, heading towards the suitcases to help her friend. As she grabbed a couple and began towards her room she said to Sarah (who was following with bags of her own), "I don't know why you didn't just whip them out of the closet and carry them over to my room instead of repacking them all so then you'll have to unpack them."
"You think I'm going to unpack them?"
"You wanted me to move in with you."
"If that's what you get out of 'It's nice sleeping in a hotel room by myself.'"
No more of the conversation could be heard between the two. Rob looked to Gracie, and Gracie looked to Rob. There was an awkward silence.
"This is an awkward silence," Rob stated.
"Are you looking for something?" Gracie asked him.
"Yeah. My orange sleeping bag."
Gracie raised an eye, walked over to Rob to be face-to-face with him, and felt his forehead.
"What?" He asked.
"Seeing if you're INSANE!"
Rob was confused. "Because I'm looking for my orange sleeping bag?"
"Yes. Isn't that thing fake? Who honestly has an orange sleeping bag?"
"I do and it's real. It's an orange bag that you sleep in." Rob said that as if Gracie needed to hear it slowly in order to comprehend it.
"Oh." Said Gracie. "You lost it?"
"Yes. I can't find it. I remember bringing it into the hotel."
"And you just discovered that it's not here just this morning?"
"No. Last night Shawn and Steve got the comfortable beds while I had to sleep on the floor. However, without my sleeping bag."
"Wasn't very comfortable?"
"It wasn't Soft City, let me put it that way."
"Soft City - that's cute. Why didnt you guys switch beds?"
"I lost at Bed Wars."
"The beds vibrate if you put a dime in them, and when you put more dimes in them, they vibrate even more. The two people who stayed on the bed for the most amount of dimes, would get the beds."
"You didnt stay on there very long did ya?" asked Gracie.
"Did you hear a very large THUMP in middle of the night, followed by a large amount of laughter?"
"Yeah......OHH!!!!! That was you wasnt it?"
Rob was a little embarrassed.
"Why so red, Pringle Man?" Alanna asked, walking into the room with Sarah.
"I thought you two were unpacking," Rob stated.
"She'll do it later," Sarah said. "Now, why is Rob red?"
Gracie didn't answer the question, but she informed that, "Rob lost his sleeping bag."
"The orange one?" Sarah wondered aloud.
"Yes! Have you seen it!?" Rob demanded.
"Crap." Rob said immediately. "Well, we have to find it. I don't want to go through another night sleeping on the hard floor."
"I seem to remember a post that said - and I quote 'I always bring a sleeping bag and am able to fall asleep on a concrete floor,'" stated Gracie.
"Yeah. I can. But being able to and liking it is two different stories."
"All you have to do is move into another room," Sarah said.
"But then I'll be by myself."
"Yeeeeeaah... So?"
"Maybe I can move in with you gurls room, it has three beds," suggested Rob.
"Ewww......I dont want to be in a room with a smelly guy. Can't you wait till night to find it?" Asked Sarah.
"I could, but I'd rather find it now."
"It's like a half an hour before we have to have breakfast," Alanna informed. "We can help look, Sarah."
"Fine. I'm in."
"Gracie?" Rob asked hopefully.
"I have to go find my Snuggle Bear," Gracie declined. "I should be the first person to say hello to him when he wakes up." She left the room.
Rob turned to Sarah and Alanna. "I guess it's just us three, girls."
"I'll help!" Hope said excited, throwing her arms around Rob's neck.
"OOOGH!" Rob was being choked.
The four decided to look at the information counter. They approached it and Sarah took charge, interrupting the lady that was on the phone. By the sounds of it, it was a personal phone call.
"No way!" Said the lady. "Tom said that to you?"
"Where is it?" Sarah asked, nimbly placing her arm on the countertop.
The lady cupped her palm over the phone. "Where's what?" She asked, staring, annoyed that she was interrupted.
"My buddy's sleeping bag," Sarah answered, jerking her head in Rob's direction.
"What color is it?" The lady asked, but immediately burst out in laughter, responding to what the woman on the other end of the line said. "NO WAY! NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAAAAY!"
"Yes way, yes way, yes waaaay," Hope said with a smile.
"Hold on, Debra," said the lady behind the counter as she covered the phone. "Are you mocking me?"
"I dont need to, your outfit does the mocking for me."
"Say what?" said the lady.
"And not to mention that hair."
"What about my hair?!" She asked with shock.
"Lets just say, low ceiling fans would be a very, very, VERY bad idea.
"Stop it this instant, young lady!" said the lady.
"Why? Is your husband Jim-Bob Smith going to stop me?"
"I am not a redneck nor married to a redneck," said the lady with an evil face on her. "Now y'all just leave or tell me what you want, before I get security."
"It's orange," Rob answered.
"What's orange?"
"My sleeping bag?......The sleeping bag that's lost." Rob replied.
"Um. Well, are you sure you brought it into the hotel?" The lady asked with attitude. "Ginger ate her own poo!?"
"EEEEEEEWWWW!" Rob, Sarah, Hope, and Alanna were disgusted.
"It's her dog," the lady explained.
"That makes it better," Alanna mumbled sarcastically.
"What do you want?" The lady asked. "Oh no. Not you, Debra. It's these annoying kids that're bugging me."
"Our friend Rob brought in an orange sleeping bag. And yes, we're sure he brought it in. Where is it?" Sarah cut straight to the point.
"Sarah, please, calm down," Rob said.
"Well, jeez, if you nitwits used your brains you might have thought that your probably left it down here-"
"The bellboys carried my luggage," Rob interrupted.
"That's it!" She pointed at them.
"Where?" They all asked, turning around to look behind them.
"Hang on, Debra," the lady said to her friend. She said to the four, "Y'all hang out with that kid that jumped those two wonderful boys that God created and who tried to trick them into exchanging real money with fake money!"
Rob, Sarah, Hope, and Alanna were speechless. Their eyes even showed no comment.
The lady wagged her finger at them. "If you see him tell him to report down here at once. The manager wishes to speak to him." Back on the phone, the lady said, "Okay, Debra, I'm here.. No, the kids are still here."
"Where's. My sleeping bag?" Rob asked becoming a little upset.
The lady obvious was trying to listen to her friend, Debra. "Go. Look in the laundry room or somethin'."
"Where's the laundry room?" Rob asked.
"Go, go! Shoo, shoo!" The lady said, waving her hand. ", no, Debra, it was that guy......I dont know if he is single.....He is kinda hot, wait why do you care so much Debra?"
The four started to walk away.
"It's amazing how stories get so distorted once going down the grapevine," Sarah said.
"I never thought Shaun would do such a thing!" Hope said, faking a tear.
"I can see him attacking. I mean, he's black after all."
They all stared at Alanna.
"What?" She asked, confused.
"That's a stereotype," Rob enlightened.
"And besides, you're talking about the wrong guy!" Sarah exclaimed. "The non-black one is who the woman was talking about. The one with the Emo glasses!"
"We can say white-" Hope allowed. "White boy!"
"And nobody attacked anyone." Sarah finished. "Shaun hugged them."
"Oh," Alanna said. "I feel embarrassed."
"Shawn wouldn't attack anyone. He's cool," Rob said.
"He's cool?" Asked Sarah.
"Yeah. He's a cool guy."
"Why do you say that?"
"Anyone who could stay on a vibrating bed after $2.20 was jammed into it, is cool in my books."
"How much money was put in your bed?" Sarah asked
"A dime."
"Haha, you were the one that went 'Thud' last night!
"ON YONDER!" Hope exclaimed as she raised her hand.
"What's wrong with you?" Alanna asked, blankly.
"I'm always this way!" Hope said plainly.
"You weren't that way last night."
"Well, I was still developing my nuttiness around you all. After all, I'd only known you over the computer."
The four walked for minutes, asking where the laundry room was and how to get there. Those they asked either snubbed them for knowing Shaun, ignored them, or didn't work at the hotel.
"This isn't right," Alanna said. "We're our own people. We shouldn't be punished for what Shaun did."
"Alanna, Shaun didn't do anything, but try and bring happiness into their lives. The hotel is taking things out of proportion," Hope informed.
"Wanna change hotels?" Rob asked suddenly.
That comment earned him a shove from each of the females.
"Sorry," Rob apologized.
"Let's just find your sleeping bag," Alanna suggested. "We only have fifteen minutes before breakfast."
The four looked around for a potential person that would answer them correctly of where the laundry room was.
"Laundry room."
"What?" Sarah asked Alanna.
"Why would they put it in the laundry room if it's out in the main hall? Why wouldn't they put it in lost and found?"
"It could have fallen off the cart the bellhops were taking upstairs and then someone found it and noticed the stain and tried to wash it out," said Rob.
"Ah....OK." said Alanna.
They kept looking around.
Sarah opened a door. "Is this the laundry room"?
"No," said the couple trying to have a nice honeymoon
"Sorry!" Hope said, closing the door back.
Sarah opened another door. "Is this the Laun-" Two kids ran out.
"Thanks a lot, said an angry mom.
"Sorry!" Hope said again. "My friend is a little determined to find an orange sleeping bag"
"Sarah, try checking in rooms doesnt have numbers on the doors," Alanna suggested.
"Lets check upstairs and take the elevator," said Hope.
"You know, when I asked you guys to help me I didn't know you'd take away my talking privileges." Said Rob in the elevator.
"You can talk," Sarah said.
"Yeah, nobody's stopping you from speaking," Hope stated.
They exited the elevator.
"Oh. Okay. Then let me ask-"
"SH! Here's the laundry room." Hope interrupted, quieting Rob.
Alanna asked the man in the room, "Hi, our male friend here lost his orange sleeping bag."
"Orange sleeping bag?" The man looked like he had recognition in his eyes.
"YES! Do you have it?"
"Sure do, couldnt get the stain out though," the man bent down behind the counter and pulled out Rob's sleeping bag!
"Great!" Rob rejoiced, grabbing his sleeping bag. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Nine minutes to spare," Alanna stated with a smile.
------- The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.0.9 "The Plague of Boredom hits"
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Fire Fan, JunkyarDog73, and Justice4JC
After the sixteen SpeakEasy members met together and had their breakfast, they just as easily split back up.
Olga, Sarah, and Rob were paired with each other just to discover that they were bored as heck.
"So..." Rob said as he lets out a bored sigh.
"What should we do?" Sarah said, "Its not right that we are bored. We are here meeting the people of our dreams--"
"Well Gracie and Shaun are anyway," Olga chimed in.
Laughing softly Rob asked, "Where did everyone else go?"
"I have an idea," answered Olga, "We should page them over the intercom."
"The Intercom eh? We could have some fun with that!" Sarah exclaimed.
"Lets go," Rob added as he made his way to the stairs.
As the three were quickly making their way down the stairs Olga, Sarah, and Rob bumped into Shawn.
"Ladies," Shawn said, bowing politely.
"Ahem." Rob cleared his throat.
"And Sir Rob," Shawn added to keep the peace. "I'm bored. Whatre you three doing?"
"We're just going to cause a riot." Sarah asks "Want to join us?"
"Sure, at least its something to do." Shawn replied, happy to accept the offer.
The four made their way down all of the steps, and they came across Jenny and Chrissy.
"Jenny! Chrissy! Hey!" Shawn exclaimed, waving.
"Hi, Shawn!" Jenny said.
"Whatre you four doing?" Asked Chrissy.
"Were going to go round up the SpeakEasy members, bugging them to stop what theyre doing and come join us," Sarah said.
"Join you to go where?" Asked Jenny.
"No clue," Sarah admitted with a shrug.
"This trip isnt thought out very well, is it?" Asked Jenny. "There should be plans for us to do something! Go to a restaurant or something!"
"Well, we'll be going to an amusement park one of these days," Olga said. "Not exactly sure when, but"
"Oh. Okay."
"Are we heading to the front desk or not?" Olga asked.
"Uuuuuh. Not?" Shawn asked.
"Haha," Sarah said unenthusiastically.
"Excuse me," Olga said to the lady at the front desk when she, Sarah, Rob, Shawn, Chrissy, and Jenny approached it. "Do you think you could do us a favor?"
"Great," said the lady at the front desk, sarcastically. "It's more kids."
"Well," said Olga, "We are still customers no matter what our age, young or old, strong or weak, white or black, tall or short, blond or brunette or redhead, fat or thin, mom or dads. We together are all equal. It is together that we form this country that we call home."
"Or I call home, anyway," Shawn mumbled.
"Us too," Jenny whispered, referring to Chrissy and herself.
"*Sniff* Oh that was beautiful, Olga," Sarah said. "You have such a way with words."
"Uh huuuh," said the lady at the front desk, not sounding impressed. "So what is this favor you young, annoying children want?"
"Could you page some of our friends for us?" Asked Rob politely.
"I dont think so."
"Why not?" Chrissy wondered.
"Because you guys are just doing it to annoy me. That is all you children do. First looking for a runaway sleeping bag. Then your little friend started making fun of my hair, and then you had Debra talking about her desperate need to be with someone."
"I like you hair," Shawn said.
"I want to talk to the manager!" Olga demanded.
"Uh, since when are we looking for the manager?" Asked Rob quietly, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
"I was just going to ask that," Sarah said.
"We are going to tell the manager how this lady has been rude and not treated us like paying customers." Olga informed Rob.
"We are?" Jenny asked with a gulp.
"Yes. We are." Olga stated firmly.
"You are, are you?"
"No," whispered Rob, "Marc is paying for this."
"I lost my beads, my necklaces, and a shoe, I have paid my dues," Olga stated. "Now, you getting the manager or not?"
"Well, what if I dont want to get my manager?" Asked the lady in a snotty tone. "And plus, do you think hes going to believe you kids over me?"
"You never know. Sometimes the people you least expect turn on you when you least expect it." Sarah added only to freak the lady out.
"Wow, Sarah, that was deep," Shawn whispered to her.
"Of course," Sarah whispered back.
"So, who do you want me to page?" Asked the lady.
"All the Speakeasians please," Olga stated.
"Uh-oh," Olga said.
"What?" Rob asked.
"I just thought of something mean."
"Ooooh. Do tell!" Sarah exclaimed.
"Let's leave here and go to the mall!" Olga said so the lady wouldn't overhear.
"Olga, thats so cruel!" Shawn said.
"I know, I know," Olga said, "But I need some excitement."
"By getting everybody mad at you?" Rob asked.
"Eeeeh." Olga shrugged.
"I'LL DRIVE!" Sarah exclaimed.
"Hahaha, so Olga lost her shoe, necklace, and her beads, just to pay off some debt at the Thrift store," said Shaun.
"Yup, and then she drooled down Steve's back," said Gracie as they walked down the street together.
"Let's go to the beach," said Shaun.
"That came out of no where. But let's not, its kinda of cold, dont you think? Besides all you wanna do is see me in a swimsuit."
"Uhhhh......let's go to the mall instead."
"Do you have money, you know real money that is not fake or Canadian?"
"Nope, maybe we should go to the bank," and the two walked off.
"Where should we go first?" Sarah asked as she entered the mall.
"K-Mart," said Olga.
"Music World," said Jenny, "I want to get that J.Lo track."
"Radio Shack, I need some film," said Rob.
"Let's do this fairly," said Sarah. "I pick a number between one and ten and you have to guess it."
"Ten," said Jenny.
"Hmmmmmm.......I'll pick......ten also," said Olga with a grin.
"Five," spoke Rob.
"You win, Rob, the number was one," Sarah informed.
"Wait... You said betweeeeeen one and ten, Sarah," said Shawn.
"Shut up, he still won."
"Stupid bank," Shaun said. "They took my money. I gave them $100 Canadian and they gave $55 back."
"Maybe you shouldnt have spent $20 dollars on bank breath-mints, Sweetie," Gracie said. "Besides, you can still buy something pretty with $55."
"Are we done yet?" Olga asked.
"Nooo....I havent found the film yet," Rob said, still searching.
"How about now?"
"I havent found it yet, I will tell you when I do, OK?"
"Are you gonna tell me now that you are done?"
"Excuse me, Miss? Could we keep your talking to a minimum?" Asked the Radio Shack employee.
"Thats wrong," Sarah said to the employee.
"The slogan is 'You've got questions, We've got answers' not "'We've got questions, You've got answers' and you have already asked three questions."
The Radio Shack employee had enough and threw the two out.
"Hey, where are your manners?" Demanded Olga.
"Jenny!!!!!!! Chrissy!!!!!!!!" Sarah exclaimed. "Come with us!!!!"
"Where are you going?" Jenny wondered.
"K-Mart," Olga replied.
"I wanted to go to Music World."
"C'mon Jenny, we can go there later," and Chrissy dragged Jenny out of Radio Shack.
"Sorry, Gracie, no thrift store," said Shaun.
"Look at the mall map again," Gracie pressed.
Shaun looked again. "Nope......but there is a K-Mart."
"Let me look......" Gracie looks through it. " thrift shop, we will have to go to K-mart then." Gracie looked around. "Snuggle Bear....Where did you go?" Gracie happened to look over at the kiddy-rides. "There he is."
"What are you doing here?" asked Gracie.
"Waiting for this kid to be finished on the horse."
"Ohhh........can I go on with you?"
"Sure....we will have to wait for this kid though."
They wait a while and the machine comes to a stop.
"Ahhh, our turn finally!" Exclaimed Shaun.
The little kid on the machine puts another quarter into the pony and starts all over again.
"Hey, kid its our turn," Gracie said.
The kid ignored her.
"Hey, kid let me and my Sugar Pine go on."
"I'll give you a breath-mint." Shaun said, bribing the kid.
"Breath mints are gross," the little kid said.
"Get off the electric pony and no one gets hurt," Gracie said.
"I'll give you a few white jaw breakers," Shaun said, trying again.
"I like jaw-breakers," said the kid, and the kid jumped off the pony and let the two on.
"EEEEWWWWWWW," says the kid. "These taste awful. I want my pony back!!!!"
"Too late kid," Shaun said. "We got the pony fair and square."
"You swindled me!!" The kid screamed, running over to his mom with tears in his eyes.
"Swindled?" Shaun asked.
"Surprised he knows that word," Gracie said impressed. "He's a pretty smart kid... kinda."
"Hey," Shaun said, seeing the kid speaking to his mom. "What is he saying, Gracie?"
Gracie tried to read the kid's lips. "Something about big kids bullying him for the pony and taking his money."
The mom gave them a very evil look and started walking over to the security guards.
"Eat these," Shaun handed the mints over to Gracie. "We'll need some energy to run from those security guards."
"All right, boys," said the over-weight security guard. "Let's get them." The two guards started running real slowly after Gracie and Shaun.
"Quick, let's go to K-Mart, that would be the last place they would look for us!" Said Gracie who just finished eating $5 of bank-mints.
"OOOOWWWW!!! Watch it, kid!"
"Sorry," said Sarah who just hit another innocent customer with the shopping cart.
"You really are a bad driver, Sarah." Olga stated.
"It's not my fault there is a bad wheel."
Chrissy just laughed.
"We are here!!!" Said Shawn who just came back from Radio Shack with Rob. "Did you guys find anything?"
"We found a teenage ninja turtle t-shirt, some bubble gum, an arm from a dummy, and a rain coat."
"What do you guys plan on doing with those things?" Asked Rob.
"I dont know. But they were on sale, so how could I resist?" Said Chrissy.
"Do you think they followed us in here?" Shaun asked who is sugar-high from eating the rest of the mints.
"No, dont think so," said Gracie. "...Why are you jumping up and down like that?"
"Hey, look who it is," said Chrissy, noticing the two. "Do you wanna join us?"
"Sure," Shaun replied.
They walked around for a while and Olga noticed Jenny had not said anything for a while. "You are quiet, whats with the face?"
Jenny was really red. "I need the bathroom, I have been holding it for a while."
"Why didnt you just tell us?" Asked her sister.
"I dont know."
"I'll take you there," said the sugar-buzzed Shaun, grabbing Jenny, throwing her over his back, and running off.
"What just happened?" asked Gracie who was not paying attention.
"Your Honey Bunny just ran off with Jenny," Sarah explained.
"He'll come back to me, I know it!"
Shaun ran around the mall looking for a rest stop.
"Here we go," he said and ran into the washroom, dropping Jenny.
"What is this thing?" asked Jenny who was really confused and embarrassed.
"It's a urinal."
"EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!! I am in the guys washroom?!?!?!?!?!"
"Yup...ohhh!" Shaun grabbed her again and ran into the other washroom and dropped her into the stall.
"Thank you, Shaun," Jenny said who is very embarrassed and felt like crying. "I can take it from here."
"All right," said Shaun with a smile.
"Do you mind?"
"Could get out the stall? I want some privacy."
"Ohhhh..." Shaun left the stall.
Suddenly, an old lady came in with a small dog.
"How is it hanging?" Shaun asked.
"Why are you in here?" The lady asked in complete shock.
"I am taking Jenny to the washroom, isnt that right, Jenny?"
Jenny cried softly.
"She didnt want to go into the guys washroom, so I brought her here." Shaun petted the dog. "Good puppy-dawg."
"OK...lets go, Shaun" Jenny said.
"You have to wash your hands."
Jenny washed her hands and ran out of the room.
"Bye, lady!!" Shaun said, following Jenny out of the room.
Jenny took command. "Let's get back to K-Mart before you do something else stupid....and if you put me back on your back I will scream."
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode 0.1.0 "Pop"
The SpeakEasy Voyage Episode written by Fire Fan, JunkyarDog73, and Justice4JC Inspired by an idea from phenomenal
Eventually, Shawn and Chrissy got tired of the hyperness of Shauns breath-mints, so the two headed back to the hotel, leaving Rob, Gracie, Shaun, Olga, Jenny, and Sarah behind them.
As Shawn and Chrissy were walking back together, Chrissy saw a poster in a store window.
Ooooh! She said, doing a quick turnaround.
What is it? Shawn asked, turning around.
Look it! Chrissy pointed at the poster. A concerts tonight!
Ooooh, Shawn said, reading the lineup. Stacie Orrico, Avalon, Rachael Lampa, ZOEgirl. Plus more.
Chrissy laughed. Its a pop fiesta!
My kind of people, Shawn said with a satisfied grin.
Chrissy glanced back at the poster. And its cheap, but space is limited.
Then lets go now!
We have to get good seats.
How will we get there though? Chrissy asked. Im tired of walking.
We could take a bus, stated Shawn
Or have Sarah drive, Chrissy offered, laughing.
And risk our lives?! Shawn yelled. No, lets get Rob to drive us. Hes experienced.
I feel a little sad though.
How come?
While were out, we might miss some stuff thats going on at the hotel.
True. But thats why sacrifices must be made to see artists you truly love. Besides, therell be plenty other nights.
Not for Jenny and I, Chrissy said. Our parents called. They said that my grandparents want to take us to the Bahamas.
Well, thats cool.
Chrissy nodded. Yeah, but I like it here.
Will you be back?
Perhaps, Chrissy said with a grin. Hey! I got an idea! We could get some others to come with us!
Anyone in particular? Shawn asked, folding his arms.
Some rock fans.
You think theyll actually come?
Well make em come.
Newsflash, Chrissy. Were two. Theyre many.
But youre black. Chrissy said to Shawn.
Im also skinny.
Well, then, well just threaten their lives, saying that if they dont come, well run them over with a big white van.
Shawn laughed. Thatll probably work.
When they returned to the hotel, Shawn and Chrissy went to work. When Rob returned with the others from the mall, Rob agreed to drive them and Jenny said shed go too. And to their surprise, Sarah and Olga agreed to go. So far they had four people to go with them!
When they were almost ready to leave for the concert, Sarah and Olga were constructing a plan in private.
Yeah, and when we get there, well start trashing the concert! You know, throw tomatoes and stuff at them, and get on stage, make some real music, and do some classic head banging, Olga said, gleefully.
Where will we get tomatoes from? Sarah asked.
Uuuuuuh. We can stop at some cheap store. Robll drop us off.
How do you know? Sarah asked.
He will. He wants to.
Did you ask already?
No. But he wants to.
All of them drove up to the pop concert. Sarah was a little disappointed at Rob because he could have hit two squirrels and a baby calf on the way there, but he decided to run over their tales instead of killing them.
When they arrived at the concert, Chrissy, Jenny, and Shawn all ran into the arena looking for good seats. Rob, Sarah, and Olga just sat back and took a look at the supplies they brought.
"Oranges, tomatoes, silly string, air horns, foghorns, green goop, and a cell phone with really annoying ring tones," said Olga.
"Whip Cream in a can, pink silly string, make up, megaphone, and some really rotten veggies I found under the seat in the van." Said Sarah, "What did you bring, Rob?"
"I brought this Stacie Orrico poster and a pen for Stacie to sign it, this really big finger, and my camera so I can record ZOEgirl's performance... He sighed dreamily, I love them."
"Ummm....Rob, we wanna trash the place, not act become the oldest teeny boppers in the arena," Sarah informed as she stole Rob's big finger.
Shawn, Chrissy and Jenny get 5th row seats for the concert and saved spots for the others. Just then a loud horn went off and the only thing anyone could hear was Sarah screaming into her megaphone.
"Umm....what are those guys planning on doing?" Jenny asked curiously.
Before they knew it, they started forming their own three-man moshing pit.
Shawns eyes went wide as he hopped out of his seat to go and talk with them.
"Olga, what do you guys think you are doing?" He asked.
Olga looked at Shawn straight in his face.
"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Shawn shrieked, horrified at the Gothic make-up.
"Are you gonna pass out there, buddy?" asked Rob, putting a hand on his camera just in case he was about to.
Shawn began screaming again.
"I am not wearing any make-up."
"Oh yeah, Shawn said. ...What are you guys plan on doing, here?"
"We just plan on having some fun," Sarah stated, putting her face right close to Shawns.
AAAAAAAAAAAH-AAAAAAAAAAH-AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Shawn screeched again, but this time passing out.
A ring tone started to sound, and Olga noticed that it wasnt coming from her cell phone.
"Hey," Rob pointed out. "Shawn has a cell with him!"
Sarah quickly decided to answer it. "Hello?"
"Hi there......umm.....I may have the wrong Shawn there?
"No....Shawn is no longer with us at the moment, Sarah said, fighting to burst out in a barrage of laughter.
"What do you mean?!? Where is my he?! Do you know where he might be?" The woman asked, getting all worked up.
"In Lala Land maybe....."
"Whats that supposed to mean?"
Sarah avoided the question. "Ummm...may I ask who is calling?"
"This is Shawn's mom. What is Shawn doing right now?"
"Hold on one moment. Sarah put her hand over the phone. "Quick guys, get him up on his feet."
Olga started blowing her fog horn as Sarah talks to Shawns mom about the time hes been having with the group.
"Shawn...this is important, get up please, Rob said kindly.
Olga picked up the megaphone and shouted, "WAKE UP SHAWN!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!!!"
"Olga, help me sit him up. Rob instructed.
When they got him up, the saw that he was still pretty lifeless.
"Maybe there is something in my bag that I brought that can help," Olga said, dropping Shawn on the floor.
Whoops, she muttered.
Rob rolled his eyes, "This calls for an emergency tactic. We need to do some serious procedure. Olga, give him mouth-to-mouth."
"Why cant you? I have make up on that I dont wanna smear."
Sarah put her hand over the phone again. "What are you two doing?"
"He wont give Shawn mouth-to-mouth, Olga said, pointing the blame on Rob.
"Fine then, Ill deal with him, Sarah said. You talk to his mom."
YAY! Mom! Olga rejoiced as she began talking on the phone. "Hello Shawns Mom! My name is Olga and I like chucks. Do you like chucks? When I grow up I want to be married to a Chuck..."
Sarah picked up Shawns poor bruised head off the floor and got nearer and nearer to him.
Shawn woke up rather rowdily because he had Sarahs hand smack now as a permanent mark on his cheek.
Your moms on your phone, she said.
Shawn looked up and saw Olga talking on the phone. Oh jeez, he said, hurrying to grab the phone from Olga.
Heeey! Olga said. Let go!
Its my mother!
She wants to talk to me!
But Im a good girl! I love mommies!
Then call your own! Shawn finally stripped Olga of the phone and said, Hello?
Hes so rude, Olga said to Rob and Sarah.
"Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson? Chrissy asked her sister.
"Eww, they are both too old, and they arent even that OUCH!!" Jenny rubbed her head.
"Sorry about that," Rob apologized. "I got thrown at the mosh pit."
"What are they doing?" Chrissy asked him.
"Hey everybody, how's everyone doing?"
The crowd cheered.
"For those who dont know us, we are ZOEgirl and here is a song about...."
An air horn went off.
"...well anyway, the song we are opening with is You Get Me."
The crowd cheered again as the music began to rise.
"So wonderful is what I perceived this life would be......."
A stray tomato suddenly hit the stage.
"Pain and problem free. But over time I found reality, and through it all I see that You're the only One Who gets me!"
Sarah grabbed the megaphone and began singing the chorus off-key.
"I may be misunderstood cause I wouldn't ever fake it You're the only One Who understands my pain (cause You get me) It doesn't matter what they do, what they think, what they say At the end of the day I'm okay anyway Cause Lord, You get me. "
"Wow Sarah that was awful, Rob applauded.
"Wait until you hear this," she said, grabbing the megaphone once again, but this time putting the air horn close to it. She grinned evilly as the air horns sound was maximized by the megaphone.
More stray veggies hit the stage, hitting one of the singers.
"Owww.....! She yelled. Who throws carrots? Maybe a tomato or something!"
A tomato hit her in her gut, and thats when the security guards started searching for suspects.
"All right....take this!" Olga fired silly string at a teeny bopper.
"I'll be taking this," said the security guard. He took Sarah and Olga outside while Rob escaped and started to hang with Chrissy and Jenny.
"Lets us go!" Sarah yelled.
"You must feel like such a big man, throwing out two small girls. Thats the way to boost your ego," Olga added, being dropped on the sidewalk. I hope your wife smacks you!
The guard entered the building once more, and thats when Shawn walked out. He chuckled. "You guys look like you had fun. Do you want back in there?"
"Yeah!!!! Then we can keep throwing vegetables!" Olga exclaimed.
"Come on, Olga we can have fun without destroying the place. Lets be mature about it, and have a fun responsible time here, Sarah said maturely.
Shawn eyed them. "Umm....yeah. If you girls could remove your make up, then the guards cant recognize you. To make sure, put on these Stacie Orrico and Rachael Lampa shirts, then they will have no clue who you are."
They did what Shawn suggested and went back into the concert.
As soon as they entered, they started making even more chaos than before. ZOEgirl then left the stage.
"I thought you two were gonna stop this." Shawn said. "You really upset the fans, and not only have you embarrassed me, but most important disappointed me."
"I am kinda feeling lousy, Sarah said.
"Maybe there is a way to change all of this." Said Olga, "Hey, I have an idea"
Shawn found Rob, Chrissy, and Jenny.
"You all right?" Chrissy asked. "You look like someone stole your red wagon."
"Im all right, Shawn said with a smile.
Thats when the man that put together the concert walked out on stage. "If there is anymore vegetable throwing we will be forced to cancel the show. But now please give it up for our next performer, Rachel Lampa!"
The crowd applauded.
Shawn noticed that Olga and Sarah made it all the way up to the front. Oh no, the show is gonna be canceled, he thought. He then saw a semi-mosh pit formed and saw that the crowd was crowd-surfing.
"Cardinal rule in moshing, Olga tried to say that without laughing, " a person goes down, everybody stops what they are doing to help them up."
Eventually as the night went on, more and more people came into the pop-mosh pit. Even Shawn got involved in it, and Sarah got to crowd surf for the second time in her life.
After the concert was over, both Sarah and Olga had something to say to Shawn.
"Im sorry," Sarah said. "I shouldnt have lied to get back in the concert, and all the other stuff.....and yeah......can you forgive me?"
"Yeah sure, were cool, but thats the last time I drag you guys to a pop concert!"
"So, what did your mom want?" Olga asked Shawn.
"She just said that Shanna is coming here later tonight, and shes bringing Julie with her.
"Sweet!!!" Chrissy said.
Sarah saw this as her opportunity to drive again. She started towards the van. "I'm driving!"
"Fine, just dont hit the animals, Shawn said as they all got in.
Sarah laughed maniacally. Why do you think Im driving? She took off.
The SpeakEasy Voyage Spin-Off Episode written by FireFan and JunkyarDog
The gang was just kind of hanging around a parking lot when Shaun came up and said
"Sup Gurls"
"What do you guys wanna do today" said Laura
"Dude you wanna crash the mall?" asked Shaun
"Niiiiiceeee" said Laura
"All Right!!!" jumped Shaun --------------------------------------------
They were all walking along and they saw a guy on the guitar and he was singing
"Get your shoes shined up grab a stick of juicy fruit the taste is gonna move ya.. take a sniff pull it out the taste is gonna move ya when you put it in your mouth. Juicy Fruit is gonna move ya..."
Shaun throws fake money to Juicy Fruit guy
"You you have to stop giving out fake money like that" said Chelsea
"What could happen" said Shaun --------------------------------------------------------------------
They kept walking around and they saw someone they never thought would see in their whole entire lives. It was Relient K, doing a free show at the mall.
"Sweeeet" exclaimed Laura
"This is too cool" said Bev
"Hey, they got a sale on Reddoks shoes" said Shaun
"Not a fan of Relient K?" asked Lizzie
"Nope, not really" said Shaun
"Why not"
"I am not really into that boy-band-punk-thing" said Shaun "I am gonna look at the Shoes"
"Fine just leave us" says Chrissy sarcastically
"Fine, maybe I will!" says Shaun, not realizing she was sarcastic and walks out the mall, and back to the hotel -----------------------
"Hey everbody!!!!" shouts Shaun entering the room
"Hey, Shaun" says Alanna with tears building in her eyes
Shaun looks around "Whats up, why are you guys so sad"
"Umm....You know Gibberish?....He has died" said Sarah "He was killed in a car crash on the way up here to meet us."
"They say the cause was faulty brakes, they didnt stop" says Gracie with tears building up
"Lets have a moment of silence for him, ok?" says Rob
Everybody bows their heads in silence
"I am going to the my room, anyone want to come with me?" asks Rob
"I'll come" says Shaun "I need a little break"
They start to leave when Shaun notices that Olga and Steve were not there
"Hey, where is Olga and Steve?"
"I dont know" says Bev
"Gracie do you know where they are?" asks Shaun
"I am gonna upstairs, I'll meet you there, ok?" says Rob
Gracie responds "Olga is in her room, I dont think she was feeling well, she was talking really funny. I dont know where Steve is"
"All right" and Shaun leaves to his room where Rob was waiting -----------------------
On the way there, someone grabs Shaun
"WHOA!!!!!....Hey, who are you?"
"Shhhh.....its me, Steve"
"Ooh, hey Steve, you spooked me"
"I need to talk to you, I know about Gibberish's death and now we need you"
"What for?"
"We need you to bring Jackie here to the hotel, we dont want another murder like Gibberish's, happen to her"
"Are you saying Gibberish's death was no accident?" asked Shaun who was shocked
"Yes, the bell-hops are responsible for it. They disessembled the brakes"
Shaun thinks to himself "This sounds dangerous, I dont if I want to do this. Why cant they ask for someone else?"
"Yes, it is dangerous, but Jackie asked for you" said Steve
"How did you do that?"
"I am highly trained in the Jedi Arts, and soon you will be. You shall be trained by the same Jedi that trained me, Master Olga"
"She always was a little odd"
"That is all" says Steve ---------------------
Shaun walks down the hall, and looks for Olga's room
"Lets try door number one"
Shaun opens the door to find nine Oompah-Lumpahs. They start looking at him and started singing "Oompah-Doompah-Doopey-Doo Here is a messa-..."
Shaun slams door and says to himself "Make the Oompah-Lumpahs go away" over and over. He then decides to opens the door and sees no Oompah-Lumpahs. "Huh" as Shaun thinks to himself "I wanted the Oompah-Lumpahs to go away and they did." Then it hits him "Mandy Moore, Mandy Moore, Mandy Moore," Shaun says to himself and opens the door
"Hey, where am I?" asks Mandy
Shaun jumps up-and-down and hugs Mandy "You are here. O my goodness. I am like your biggest fan. I loved you so much in Crossroads"
"Uhhh....right. Listen I dont know anyone here and you look like a nice person. Do you mind showing me around?" asks Mandy
"I would be honoured, where would you lik--..."
"Hey, there you are" says Rob "Where did you go?" Rob looks at Mandy "Ohhh....I dont blame you for being here, but arent you cheating on Gracie?"
"Gracie!" Mandy slaps Shaun across the face "You should be ashamed of yourself. Cheating like that!"
"I am not seeing anyone," says Rob "You wanna hang out with me?"
"I guess" says Mandy as they walk away with each other
"Wow" Shaun thinks to himself "I think she really likes me, but I am busy now, gotta find Olga's room"
Shaun opens another door "Olga you in here?"
"A long time, it took" says Olga while meditating
"Whats with the cain" asks Shaun as he notices it beside her
"Old, am I" says Master Olga
"Why are you meditating?"
"Disturbances, I am looking for"
"Why are you talking like that?"
Olga gives an evil look at Shaun
"Work on your Jedi training, we must" she says "First, using the sporks, you must learn" and gives Shaun a spork
"Follow me." and Olga jumps up and does a bunch of Jedi moves with her spork
"Try, you shall"
Shaun does a bunch of non-Jedi moves with his spork
"A nitwit, you are" says Olga shaking her head "Slower, I shall go" and she does a bunch of simple Jedi tricks
Shaun copies and does not do so bad this time, except he tries to show off at the end by trying to do the splits
"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! OHHHHHH!!!!!!!! THAT DIDNT FEEL GOOD!!!!!!! CALL A DOCTOR!!!!!!!" screams Shaun as he is crying on the floor
Olga just points and laughs.
Shaun did not take to kindly to this and the Jedi instincts kick in. He jumps off the floor and starts going after Master Olga with his spork using all the moves she had just done.
"Ahah, got you cornered now" says Shaun "What are you gonna do about it now"
Olga kicks him where it counts
"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! OHHHHH!!!!! OUCH!!!" screams Shaun as he had only just hurt the same area when he did the splits
Olga asks"Want to go to the next step, do you?"
Shaun just gives a thumb up -----------------------------------
"A Jedi has the ability to talk to other Jedi through the mind and also the ability to read the minds of the weaker" explains Olga
Shaun thinks to himself again "You know, if things between me and Gracie dont work out, Olga could always replace her, she is really hot"
Olga stabs Shaun with her spork
" heard that didn't you" says Shaun in embarassement
"Through the mind, I talk to you" says Olga as she begins to meditate...."Hear that, do you?"
"Nope" says Shaun
"Nuh-uh" ------------------------ 15 minutes pass ------------------------
"Yet, can you hear me?" as Master Olga becomes really impatient
"Yes......wait....that was stomach, I am getting hunrgy"
"Here" Olga throws him an intercom "use this, shall you"
Shaun turns it on "Good Morning Angels, I have a special mission for you today" as the voice on intercom speaks
"Hi, Charlie" says Shaun
"Give me that" Olga steals the walkie-talkie "This one, you have" and throws him over a walkie-talkie
Shaun turns it on speaks into it "The cow jumps in front of the white van in the afternoon"
"Talking in code" explains Shaun "This is kinda fun" Talks into it again "I am a terrorist give me what I want and no one gets hurt"
"We are here, and are listening, do not harm the plane or any of its passengers" says the pilot who picked the message up on his two-way radio ----------------------------------
"Jedi can tell where and when danger is to happening around them, thats how Steve and find out about Gibberish's death" teaches Master Olga "Now, on you, I put the blind fold on" as she ties it around his head "Tell me of a disturbance, you must" as she stands behind Shaun with a large base-ball bat aimed at his head
"I dont feel a thing" says Shaun
Olga swings once over his head, "Now, do you?"
She swings a few times over his head, "Now??"
"No.....wait...My Spidey Senses are tingiling" Shaun exclaimes and runs into the washroom
Shaun walks out of the bathroom, while still wearing the blind fold "You are right Master Olga, these Jedi Arts protected me from danger"
Olga gives another evil look, and thumps him over the head with the bat ------------------------
"Learn any more from me, you cant" says Olga "A Full-pledged Jedi, you are" and hands Shaun a Jedi uniform
"Huh.....dont feel any different. I thought Jedi could float and lift things without touching and stuff like that"
"Yes, we can, but not free, the lessons are" says Master Olga
Shaun gives Olga some fake money "Here you go"
Olga stabs Shaun with the spork again ----------------------------------
Master Olga and Shaun meet Steve up in the hallway
"Need to talk to Steve alone, I must" says Olga and pushes away Shaun
"What kind of a Jedi is Shaun, Master?" asks Steve
Olga looks behind her and watches Shaun trying to show off again with his spork
"One of the kind, he is"
"Is capable of the task ahead of him?"
"He is if he puts his mind to it, I believe" says Olga
"Why would Jackie request for such an "odd" person as Shaun is?" asks Steve
They both take a look at Shaun still trying out Jedi moves
"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! OUCHHH!!!!!!!! I SHOULDNT DO THE SPLITS ANYMORE!!!!!!" as Shaun cries on the floor
"Are you all right, Shaun?" asks Steve
"I SAT ON MY SPORK!!!!!!!!"
"Doomed, Jackie is" says Olga
"Shaun when you regain yourself can I go over what your assignment is?"
"Ok....give me five minutes" --------------------------------
"Your assignment is to bring lady Jackie to this hotel. She is at the police station where she is being watched over" explains Steve "I have this radio on me, so we can communicate together. Do you have any questions?"
"Why do I have to go, why cant someone else go?"
"Lady Jackie specifically asked for you to accompany her" said Steve
"Thats cool, how do I get there?"
"There is an invisible pod-racer outside in the hotel parking-lot" says Steve "Now, you better be off" ----------------------------
Shaun meets Gracie up in the hallway
"Where are you going and why are you wearing a Halloween costume?" asks Gracie
"I have to transport lady Jackie, to the hotel. They need someone who laughs at the face of danger, so they picked me." explains Shaun
"Who picked you??...Danger??...What is going on??" says poor confused Gracie "Am I ever goong to see you again??"
"I am not sure" responds Shaun "But if I dont get on that invisible pod-racer, another innocent soul might perish because of the evil bell-hops"
Shaun gives Gracie a hug, which might be his last ever and walks out into the parking lot ----------------------------
The Head Bell-Hop watches Shaun as he walks around in the parking lot kicking and stabbing at the air looking for his pod-racer.
Another bell-hop walks in
"Bonnie" says the Head Bell-Hop "I have a special mission for you"
"What is it, Master?" says Bonnie
"You see that Jedi? His name is Shaun. His mission is to bring back Lady Jackie to the hotel. I want you to intercept him, and kidnap her. Use any means possible."
"Yes master, but what do you want to do with Lady Jackie?"
"I will make her my queen, and together we will rule the hotel forever"
----------------------------- 20 minutes later -----------------------------
"OOOOWWWWW!!!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL FOOT!!!!!" screams Shaun as he kicks the invisible pod-racer and then jumps in it and drives off to the police station
"Where's the radio on this thing?" as Shaun messes around at stuff he cannot seethe road
Bonnie puts on a cow custume, "This should trip up that Jedi" she thinks and wals into the middle of the road and starts to moo
"O my goodness, a cow!!!!" Shaun turns the pod in the opposite direction
"Ahh!!!! Truck in the wrong lane" he turns again
Bonnie in frustration throws the heaviest obstacle in his way
"Ahh!!!! CASE OF PEPSI!!!!" pod racer goes 'Thump' and flies 20 feet straight up in the air
The pod racer collides with the military plane, and since military heli-copters are much bigger than invisble pod-racers, it sends Shaun and his pod-racer flying down into the ground ---------------------------
"How long do you plan on staying here, Miss?" asks the chief of police
"As soon as my ride comes to take me to my hotel" says Jackie
BOOM!!!!!!!! as the invisible pod-racer flies through the police station
"I am here to take you to the hotel, Lady Jackie" says Shaun whipping off all the dust from the crash
"Ok" says a freaked-out Jackie, "I thought you were supposed to be black and heroic"
"Sorry, that is the other Shawn, I am Gracie-gurl's Honey Bunny"
"Ohhh....I am doomed"
"I am gonna get some assistance" he pulls out the two-radio "Come in Steve.....Steve can you here me"
"Yes, I hear you" Steve responds "Is this Shaun?"
"Yes, I thought this was Shaun. Where are you and why is there a man swearing in the background?"
"I am at the police station with Jackie, and the man is the cheif of police. He is mad at me for crashing the pod racer into the police station. Listen, we dont have a ride back to the hotel, how do we get there?"
"Put Jackie on your back" says a very angry Steve "Tap your shoes together, and say 'There is no place, but home, There is no place, but home'"
Grabs Jackie and throws her on his back and starts tapping his shoes together "There is no place, but home, There is no place, but home"
His shoes starts to glow, and suddenly rocket off the ground
"Cool, I feel like Superman" says Shaun as he flies Jackie back to the hotel ----------------------------
"How do we stop?" asks Jackie who is very scared and freaked out
"I have no clue let me ask, let me ask Steve" Shaun lets go of Jackie and gets his radio out.
"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!" as Jackie starts to qucikly fall to the ground
Shaun dives down and grabs Jackie, "Sorry gurl, wasnt thinking" -------------------------------
"Sir, there has been a report of a man flying in a Jedi costume carrying a lady on his back. Do you think he has survived that crash and is carrying Lady Jackie?" asks Bonnie
"Yes, it is. I can feel it in every living fiber of my incredibly powerful body." replies the Head Bell-Hop "You and three bell-hops go to the front door and capture Jackie, I shall deal with the Jedi."
"Yes sir" says Bonnie
"And Bonnie, if you ever fail me again, I will put you in the lowest position possible"
"You dont mean....?"
"Yes Bonnie, I mean washroom duty, where you would be washing the toilets, replacing the Kleenax, toilet paper, and cookies, and will no longer be allowed to wear the bell-hop hat"
"Yes master" and Bonnie walks out the door ---------------------------
"Do we know how to stop, yet?" asks Jackie
"No idea" exclaimes Shaun
"Then what are we to do"
Shaun looks up at Jackie "Maybe if I tap my shoes together again they will turn off"
"That might work, why dont you try and --LOOK A BUILDING!!!!!" screams Jackie
"I dont think looking at a building is gonna make us stop" says Shaun who doesnt notice the hotel was in front of him and slams his body into itl and slowly slides down it and on to the ground.
"Are you all right?" asks Jackie
"I am cool, got a headache and broke a nail, but I will live" says Shaun
"And you have a scratch on your nose and its bleeding" Jackie Adds
"Suck it up buddy we have bigger problems," Says Jackie as she points to the bell-hops "And plus you couldn't even feel it until I told you it was there"
"All right boys, get him" says Bonne as three other bell-hops surround Shaun and Jackie
"Dont worry Jackie, I have been trained in the Jedi arts and...."
Jackie goes berserk on the bell-hops as she knocks all three of them out
"You cant bring me down" says Bonnie
"Bring it sister" replies Jackie and the two start fighting
"Duuuuude, Chick fight" thinks Shaun and pulls up a chair and bowl of pop-corn as he watches the two fight
"Haha, you are no match for me Jackie, I am way older and stronger than you" says Bonnie as she puts Jackie in a head-lock
"Yeah, Well at least im HOT!"
"Well my Momma could beat up your Momma" replies Bonnie
"Shaun, do you mind?" says Jackie
"Sorry, do you want some" says Shaun
"I want your help, not your popcorn"
"Ohhhh" and Shaun throws over his spork to her
Jackie grabs it and starts to perform 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' moves with it and knocks Bonnie out
"That was easy enough, lets get inside and meet everybody." says Jackie and gives Shaun his spork back
"Ahh....sure" and he follows Jackie into the hotel
------------------- "No good fools" says the head-bell hop "I am gonna have to finish this off" as he shakes his head after watching the bell-hops get beaten in the parking lot through the window -------------------------
"Rooms for SpeakEasy" says Jackie
"Here is your key for the room" says the lady behind the counter
"This wasnt that hard, a few bell-hops to face, not much" says Shaun as he pushes the button for the elevator
Door opens and the Head Bell-hop appears in the elevator
"At last Jedi, we meet" he says
"Go up the stairs Jackie, I will deal with him" says Shaun
Jackie runs up the stairs
"So do you think you have what it takes to be a Jedi, boy?" asks Head Bell-hop
Shaun just shoves him back into the elevator and corners him in it as the door shuts.
"You cant take me, I am a level 10 Jedi" exclaimes the Bell-Hop as he gets his spork from his pocket
Shaun ducks and weaves avoiding the spork and gets his radio out and talks to Steve "What do I do? The Bell-Hop has me in the elevator and is attacking me with his spork"
"Use Your spork!!" says Steve
"BUT I DONT WANT TO USE MY SPORK!!!!!!!!" screams Shaun
"USE IT!!!!"
"I DONT WANT TO!!!!!!"
Shaun gets frustrated and throws the radio at the bell-hop's head
"That didnt really hurt" says the bell-hop
"Maybe I should use my spork" thinks Shaun to himself and pulls out his spork and starts using the "real" Jedi moves on the bell-hop
They both go back and forth jabbing and stabbing each other.
"Impressive. Most impressive" exclaimes the Bell-Hop "But you're not a Jedi, yet" and the two start jabbing again for a few minutes, until the Bell-Hop uses all his strength and throws Shaun into the wall
"Join me now, and we can have it all" says the Bell-Hop
"I will never join you" says Shaun "You killed Gibberish!!!!"
"No Shaun" says the Bell-Hop as he removes his bell-hop hat revealing his bright red shag hair "I am Gibberish" and with that, he chops Shaun's hand with his spork
Elevator stops and the door opens "Until we meet again" says Gibberish as he exits
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" screams Shaun as the elevator starts going down to the first floor"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-wait this doesnt make any sense"
Door opens and an Oompah-Lumpah looks at him "Going up??" -------------------
"AAHHHHH!!!!" screams Shaun as he wakes up in the bath tub "Ohh, it was all a dream, nothing really happened"
Wiping the water he splashed on his face when he woke himself up Shaun feels a cut on his nose. Strange thougth. Shaun gets out of the bathroom and enters the bedroom
"Morning Shaun" says Chad as he plays catch with Justin
"Morning I had the weirdest dream that I was Jedi, I could fly"
"Huh...thats funny" says Justin and throws the ball to Chad"
"You have a zit on your nose" points out Justin.
"Justin!" exclames Chad
"It's not a zit it's a cut" Explains Shaun.
"Oh? What from?" Asks Justin.
"I would tell you but you wouldn't belive me" Shaun offers as a reply.
"Oops" as Chad lets the ball fly through his hands and through the open window
"I'll get it!!!" exclaims Shaun as he taps his feet together
"Why did Shaun just jump through the window?" asks Justin -----------------
"Wait, what am I doing?" thinks Shaun to himself as he falls to the ground "I cant really fly, that was all a dream"
"Thank goodness, that I land on this Oompah Lumpah, I may have died" exclaimes Shaun "Hey!!! Wait. Oompah-Lumpah??"