Gracie's Village
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I like Firetrucks, I love Firetrucks.



%%readlink%% danced in perfect time to a love so much refined.
%%readlink%% danced in perfect time to a love so much refined.
%%readlink%% danced in perfect time to a love so much refined.

1. Name: Gracie
2. birthday: oct. 13
3. discribe your looks: I am on the smaller side with dark brown hair and blue eyes.
4. age: 14
5. sex: female
6. location: Ontario
7. school: Amdec
8. glasses/contacts: no
9. braces: no
10. fat/skinny: I am on the thinner side
11. tall/short: short
12. do you have any scars: yes
20. do you have any sibling: Yes
21. what are their names: Hannah, Katie, Peter, Emma, Harrison, Clayton Seth, Neal, and Erik
22. how old are they: 23-4
23. do you have any pets: no
24. what are their names:n/a
25. what kind of pets are they: n/a
26. do you like school: Some what
27. if you could choose anyone to rule the world who would you choose: Id like to try

29. do you talk to voices in your head: oh yes
30. do they tell you to do stuff: oh yes
31. do you listen: oh yes
33. how often do you talk on the phone: Once a week max.
34. how often do you surf the web: 8 hrs a day
35. how often do you hang out with friends: twice a week
36. do you have a bf/gf: no
37. Last bf/gf: none
38. Cheated on a bf/gf: no
38. have you ever loved anyone: yes
39. have you ever made-out with someone: no
39. Kissed more then one person in the same night: no
41. have you ever broke any bones: no
42. if so, which ones: n/a
43. how often do you shower: Every other day
44. which group do you hang out with at school: what should I classify you guys geeks?
45. do you get good grades: yes
46. do you always get in trouble: not always
47. do you get along with your parents: my dad
48. are you gonna go to college: yes
49. who is your best girl friends: Priscilla and Steph
50. who is your best boy friends: Matt
51. who do you talk to the most on the phone: i hate the phone
52. who do you talk to the most on the net: differs every day

l53. do you like email or snail mail better: e-mail
54. do you like gold or silver jewelry: gold
55. have you ever prank called a 1-800 number: yes
56. have you ever tried to impress your crush and ended up embarrassing yourself: many times57. what are you most afraid of: being stranded
59. how long does it take you to get ready for school: 1 min max
60. do you have a crush: if you wanna call it that
61. what are their names: their? There is only one.
62. do they like you: yes
62: do you sleep with one pillow or two: two
63. do you like coffee: yes
64. how come:its warm
65. what is the longest you have went out with someone: n/a
66. do you regret it: no
67. how do you know the person who sent this to you: Robhe goes to my youth group but i really only know him over the internet

68. do you want to live? Kitchener/Waterloo
69. most fun place to go? Concerts
70. do you want to meet your husband/wife? Anywhere
71. do you want to go heaven or hell? heaven
72. do you want to get married? A church


73. Do you like to do? Talk, discuss, write, chat, play games
74. was the most fun retreat/trip you ever went on? Darien lake with Stacey
76. Is your favourite quote from a song? Umm..."Stacys Mom has got it going on.."
77. do you like about your church or school? Church- I have met some totally awesome people there. School- its different
78. do you want to be when you grow up? Fire Fighter
79. do you want your husbands best characteristic to be? Their sweet/kindness
80. is your favorite sport? None
81. is your favorite piece of clothing? Police pants and green hoodie

have you, in the last 24 hrs...

82. Cried? no
83. gotten in major trouble? no
84. cut your hair? No
85. ate a meal? Yes
86. hugged someone? no
87. kissed someone? no
88. made a new friend? No
89. lost something? Yes

have you ever...

90.Been so drunk you passed out? no
91. gone out in public in your pajamas? Yes
92. had an imaginary friend? Nah, fred was peters
93. cried during a chick flick? No
94. owned a new kids on the block cd? no
95. gotten in a car accident? No
96. liked someone so much you cried? Yes
97. cussed when your parents were around? No
98. told your sister/brother he/she was a bitch? Oh yeah
99. sung in front of the mirror? yes
100. made faces in the mirror? Probably
101. spent more than one hour on your hair? Yes
102. sleep- walked talked in your sleep? yes
103. watched a scary movie and couldnt sleep all night? No


105. what is the funniest movie you ever saw? 40 days and 40 nights...never laughed harder
106. what is the stupidest movie? Bring it on
107. which movie could you watch over and over? A Walk to Remember

108. what was the last movie you saw? Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
109. who do you go to the movies with? Whoever
110. what movie mad you cry the most? I have never cried over a movie.

On your dream weekend what

112. Would you eat? Fine foods and tropical fruit
113. Would you get your hair and nails done? Not over something else, but i might you never know...

114. what three things would you bring? You, my bathing suit and a tooth brush
115. Would it be hot or cold : hot
116. what animal would you kill for food? Chicken
117. would you write on the sand: that is probably not how i would spend my time

118. would you panic or relax? Relax

would you ever...
119. Jump out of a plane? yeah
120. kiss your best guy friend (or if youre a guy girl friend)?: oh yes

121. go bungee jumping? Yes
122. stay in your room for a whole day? No

123. go in the snow without clothes? Yes
124. skinny dip? Yes
125. drink salt water? yes
126. touch road kill? yes
127. take a job even if it meant youd be away from your guy (or girl)? Probably not
128. smile at your worst enemy? yes
129. play 8,000 bowling games in one night? When you live in Goderich you have no choice
130. go to Reno to get married? Yes
132. have a make-out party? Noonly Peter has those
133. throw a party without your parents? yes
134. go to a foreign country? Yes
135. fly a plane? Yes

which one......

150. Winter or summer? I like both
151. The beach or the mountains? Mountains
152. pop or punk? punk
153. rock or rap? Rock
155. milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Milk chocolate
156. dogs or cats? dogs
158. leno or letterman? N/a
160. country or classical? country, go dixie chicks
161. day or night? night
162. lake or ocean? lake
163. waffles or pancakes? Pancakes
164. soccer or football? soccer
165. baseball or swimming? Baseball

166. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
167. sugar or spice? sugar
169. eminem-please stand up or please shut up? Shut up

have you ever.....

174. Fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking? Yes

175. run into a wall? A fridge
176. sleep walked? No
177. gone skinny-dipping? Yes
178. kissed someone of the same sex? yes
179. snuck out of the house at night? No
180. gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver? no
181. laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose? Yes
182. started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow? yes
183. swallow a bug? yes
184. have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution? I dont make them
185. if so what was it? N/a

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